Does the js function return false on the errors to block the submission?
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On Dec 20, 2009, at 9:43 PM, "Ernie Kemp" <ernie.kemp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Good Day,
I need help in in validating a form.
The for is valdated be a javascript frist then if
all the fields are filled in its valaded be PHP.
The Form starts with:
<form name="myForm" action="<?php echo $_SERVER
['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post" onsubmit='return formValidator()' >
The “formValidator()” goes to a javascript and does display the
missing information in this case BUT then the page gets reloaded and
clears all the javascript error messages and does the PHP validation.
The PHP only runs if the fields are set by testing using ‘isset”.
Without puting on numeric lines of go can you suggest things I must
have overlooked. Silly request but there must be something I’m overl
ooking. I have simular code on other programs but this one is cas
uing me trouble.
Thanks every so much..