I'm having an include problem on a shared host and need the answer to the
following to cover a key point.
I'm getting this error:
Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'Net/SMTP.php' for
inclusion include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/home1/youstart/php/')
in /home1/youstart/php/Mail/smtp.php on line 206
What's going on is that my script calls /php/mail.php which includes
/Mail/smtp.php. smtp.php has "include Net/SMTP.php" on line 206.
This bothers since the current working directory is effectively where my
original script resides; is it not? If so, doesn't the "include Net/SMTP.php on
line 206" look for the path relative to it and not in /home1/youstart/php/?
If my assumption is correct, is there a way around the problem? Remember, this
is a shared host and changing stuff above the /public_html is a real problem.
My script runs fine on 3 other Linux/Appache/cpanel shared-host servers.
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