In your example, I would name my form inputs similar to name ="data[user_id]". Then you just pass the $_POST['data'] array to your function. -Shawn Allen McCabe wrote: > You raise some good points. I always name my input fields after the > entity names ( eg. input type="hidden" name ="user_id" value=" ?php > echo $resultRow['user_id'] ? " ). > > I suppose I am still in the phase of learning efficiency, and perhaps > trying to 'get out it' by writing functions that I can just call and > pass parameters instead of fully learning the core concepts. > > I just think functions are so damn cool :) > > > I'll echo what the others have said about the parameters. For me > personally, if I am passing more than three parameters (sometimes even > three) I rethink my function. I'm not sure what you envision > using this > function for, but the approach I use for forms and databases is always > arrays. I get an array from my forms, I insert that array into the > database, and of course I fetch arrays out of the database. These are > all indexed the same with the index as the field name of the table so > it's easy. > > > -- > Thanks! > -Shawn > > > > -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: