Hi all.
This seems like a trivial issue to fix, but I'm having issues. I'm
running a script via command line and it's throwing out PHP "notices."
Well, I want to suppress those notices. At the top of my script I have
the line...
error_reporting (E_ERROR);
...thinking that this would get rid of the notices. However, it did
not. They still appear. I even attempted using ini_set(), but to no
avail. I then set error_reporting in php.ini - this made no
difference. (I shouldn't have to restart apache when running via
command line, but for giggles, I did.) I then changed display_errors
to Off. You guessed it - no change! This immediately brought up the
question... "Well, what php.ini is this script using?" Here's my
[pthompson@s-irv-pthompson scripts]$ php --ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /etc
Loaded Configuration File: /etc/php.ini
Scan for additional .ini files in: /etc/php.d
Yup, according to PHP I'm using the correct ini. Now I'm at a loss.
Can anyone shed some light on this big brain fart I'm having? Thanks
in advance.
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