> Do you see any major hangups or screwups on first glance? Yes. There is so much wrong with this I don't even know where to begin... > This function takes 22 parameters: #1 is the table name, > #2-21 are the row > names and the values, and #22 is the "integar string". Dude. Seriously? TWENTY TWO parameters. Use this for variable number of parameters: http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.func-get-args.php Or how about using an array/hash as your second parameter with the field=>value pairs. Which is astonishing since you have the concept of an array with this hack: $valuesArray = array($value1, $value2, $value3, $value4, $value5, $value6, $value7, $value8, $value9, $value10); foreach ($valuesArray as $key => $value) The word you're looking for is "INTEGER" not "INTEGAR". > And is my fear of trying this out on my database unfounded? No. Don't use it. > Does this even seem that useful? No. Your function is so very limited in scope and use. You're better off writing a wrapper around the SQL functions and submit direct SQL as the string parameter to the function. See attached db.inc.php. You would also be better served using a method/function such as my base.class.php::sync() which will insert or update a row. The attached code is about a year old or so and has since been refined further, but this should give you a good place to start. http://daevid.com
<?php #------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Confidential - Property of Lockdown Networks, Inc. # Do not copy or distribute. # Copyright 2002-2008 Lockdown Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. # #------------------------------------------------------------------- require_once('global.inc.php'); require_once('error.class.php'); class baseClass { protected $db = 'V2_Data'; protected $table = NULL; protected $id = NULL; protected $created_on = NULL; protected $_stamp = NULL; protected $enabled = TRUE; //we use generic __call __get and __set, but this is a special case. function get_stamp() { return $this->_stamp; } function set_stamp($stamp) { $this->_stamp = $stamp; } /** * Constructor * * @access public * @return object * @param mixed $id the ID of the object to load from the database (this could be a string or usually an integer) * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.2 * @date 09/20/07 */ function __construct($id = NULL) { if ($_SESSION['companydb']) $this->db = $_SESSION['companydb']; //this follows the Ruby way for ease of porting/sharring, please stick with the convention. if (is_null($this->table) && preg_match( '/y$/', $this->getClassname() ) > 0) $this->table = strtolower(preg_replace( '/y$/', 'ies', $this->getClassName() )); elseif( is_null( $this->table ) ) $this->table = strtolower($this->getClassName()).'s'; if (!is_null($id)) $this->load($id); } /** * generate a key/value pair from the class' variables. * * @access public * @return array * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.0 * @date 08/13/07 */ public function get_array() { $row = array(); foreach($this as $key => $value) $row[$key] = $value; $row['enabled'] = ($this->enabled) ? 1 : 0; return $row; } /** * set the class' values based upon a SQL query. * * Note: Usually this is called by an extension class, * which in turn calls the parent::load_from_sql() * which generates an array and then calls load_from_array() * * @access public * @return array or false * @param int $id ID of the object to load * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.0 * @date 08/20/07 * @see load_from_array() */ function load($id = null) { if (intval($id) < 1) return false; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->db.".".$this->table." WHERE id = '".SQL_ESCAPE($id)."'"; $result = $this->load_from_sql($sql); //LIMIT 1 is appended by base class if ($result) return $result; else throw new Exception(translate('%1$s threw an exception trying to load object #%2$s', __CLASS__, $id)); } /** * set the class' values based upon a SQL table which is converted to an array of column(key) value pairs and passed to load_from_array(). * * @access public * @return array or false * @param string $sql SQL schema columns to use as array keys * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.0 * @date 08/13/07 * @see load_from_array() */ public function load_from_sql($sql = null) { if (is_null($sql)) return false; $result = SQL_QUERY($sql." LIMIT 1"); if($result && $row = SQL_ASSOC_ARRAY($result)) { return $this->load_from_array($row); } else return false; } /** * set the class' values based upon an array. * * @access public * @return boolean * @param array $row class or SQL schema column/value pairs * @param array $force force loading of value pairs * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.1 * @date 12/17/07 * @see load_from_sql() */ public function load_from_array($row, $force = false) { if (!$force && intval($row['id']) < 1) return false; foreach($row as $key => $value) $this->$key = $value; $this->enabled = ($row['enabled'] == '1') ? true : false; //$this->iterateVisible(); return true; } /** * INSERT or UPDATE an object's Database row. * * Pass in an array of column name/value pairs to INSERT/UPDATE those specifically, using schema defaults for the rest. * * @access public * @return boolean false on error, true on UPDATE, record ID on INSERT * @param array $row SQL schema column/value pairs * @param boolean $auto_escape (true) will wrap all values in SQL_ESCAPE() * @param boolean $show_errors toggle SQL errors, use SQL_ERROR_NUM() or SQL_ERROR() to handle yourself. * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.2 * @date 10/11/07 */ public function sync($row = null, $auto_escape = true, $show_errors = true) { if (is_null($this->table)) return false; if (is_null($row)) $row = $this->get_array(); if (count($row) < 1) return; //[dv] this is a handy way to shortcut and update a record with the passed in array key/vals. if ($row['id'] < 1) unset($row['id']); if (!$this->id && $row['id'] > 0) $this->id = $row['id']; //[dv] I thought about scrubbing the $row array of empty values, // but that causes a problem if you actually DO want to wipe out some values. $row['enabled'] = ($row['enabled']) ? 1 : 0; if (intval($this->id) < 1) { $cols = "`".implode("`, `", array_keys($row))."`"; $temp = array(); foreach ( $row as $val ) { if (!is_null($val)) { $value = trim($val); $temp[] = ($auto_escape === true) ? "'".SQL_ESCAPE( $val )."'" : $val; } else $temp[] = "NULL"; } $values = implode(', ',$temp); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->table." (created_on, ".$cols.") VALUES (NOW(), ".$values.")"; } else { $sql = "UPDATE ".$this->table." SET "; unset($row['id']); $temp = array(); foreach ($row as $col => $value) { if (!is_null($value)) { $value = trim($value); $temp[] = $col." = ".(($auto_escape === true) ? "'".SQL_ESCAPE( $value )."'" : $value); } else $temp[] = $col." = NULL"; } $sql .= implode(', ', $temp); $sql .= " WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1"; } if ($sth = SQL_QUERY($sql, false, $show_errors)) { if (intval($this->id) < 1) { $this->id = SQL_INSERT_ID(); $row['id'] = $this->id; //or load_from_array will fail $this->load_from_array($row); //[dv] TODO: not sure if this is needed AddUserLog('Action', MakeUserLog('Added %1$s [%2$s]',str_replace('_', ' ', $this->getClassName()), $this->id)); return $this->id; } else { $row['id'] = $this->id; //or load_from_array will fail $this->load_from_array($row); //[dv] TODO: not sure if this is needed AddUserLog('Action', MakeUserLog('Saved %1$s [%2$s]',str_replace('_', ' ', $this->getClassName()), $this->id)); return true; } } else return false; } /** * Delete the corresponding class object ID from the database. * * Note: 'delete' is a reserved word in PHP * * @access public * @return boolean * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.1 * @date 10/10/07 */ public function delete() { if( intval( $this->id ) < 1 ) return( false ); if (SQL_QUERY("DELETE FROM ".$this->db.".".$this->table." WHERE id = '".$this->id."' LIMIT 1")) { AddUserLog('Action', MakeUserLog('Deleted %1$s [%2$s]',str_replace('_', ' ', $this->getClassName()), $this->id)); foreach($this as $key => $value) $this->$key = null; return true; } else return false; } /** * Shows all exposed variables in this class * * @access public * @return array * @param boolean $print to print out each value * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.0 * @date 08/13/07 */ public function iterateVisible($print = false) { if ($print) echo "\n<BR><B>".$this->getClassName()."::iterateVisible:</B><BR>\n"; $tmp = array(); foreach($this as $key => $value) { $tmp[$key] = $value; if ($print) print $key." => ".$value."<BR>\n"; } return $tmp; } /** * returns the name of this class as a string * * @access public * @return string * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.0 */ public function getClassName() { //return __CLASS__; return get_class($this); } /** * Provides generic getters and setters * * @access public * @param string $method The method name. * @param array $arguments The arguments passed to the method. * @return mixed * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @date 08/21/2007 * @version 1.1 * @see __get(), __set() */ public function __call( $method, $arguments ) { $prefix = strtolower( substr( $method, 0, 3 ) ); $property = strtolower( substr( $method, 4 ) ); if ( empty($prefix) || empty($property) ) return; if ( 'get' == $prefix ) { if ( property_exists($this, $property) ) return $this->$property; else return $this->__get($property); } elseif ( 'set' == $prefix ) { if ( property_exists($this, $property) ) return $this->$property = $arguments[0]; else return $this->__set($property, $arguments[0]); } echo "<p><font color='#ff0000'>Attempted to '".$method."' variable in class '".$this->getClassName()."'.</font><p>\n"; backtrace(); } /** * magic function to handle any accessing of undefined variables. * Since PHP is "lax" this will help prevent stupid mistakes. * * @access public * @return void * @param mixed $var name of the variable * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.0 * @date 08/13/07 * @see __set(), __call() */ public function __get($var) { echo "<p><font color='#ff0000'>Attempted to __get() variable '".$var."' in class '".$this->getClassName()."'.</font><p>\n"; backtrace(); } /** * magic function to handle any setting of undefined variables. * Since PHP is "lax" this will help prevent stupid mistakes. * * @access public * @return void * @param mixed $var name of the variable * @param mixed $val value of the variable * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @version 1.0 * @date 08/13/07 * @see __get(), __call() */ public function __set($var, $val) { echo "<p><font color='#ff0000'>Attempted to __set() variable '".$var."' to '".$val."' in class '".$this->getClassName()."'.</font><p>\n"; backtrace(); } /** * The destructor method will be called as soon as all references to a particular object are removed * or when the object is explicitly destroyed. * * This End User method will save the $_SESSION first * http://www.php.net/session-set-save-handler * * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @since 1.0 * @version 1.0 * @date 08/13/07 */ /* function __destruct() { session_write_close(); parent::__destruct(); } */ } ?>
<?php #------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Confidential - Property of Lockdown Networks, Inc. # Do not copy or distribute. # Copyright 2002-2008 Lockdown Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. # #------------------------------------------------------------------- // I use this 'db.inc.php' for other modules, so that's why the host/user/pw are not in the globals.php file // also, it's silly to use define() here since this is the only spot they're ever used. $GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE'] = false; require_once('ironbars.php'); //[dv] why is this here? what uses it? //TODO: [dv] we REALLY should make these all $SQLOPTION[] and update them in ALL files to avoid confusion and collisions... $OPTION['host'] = ''; $OPTION['username'] = 'root'; $OPTION['password'] = ''; $OPTION['noHTML'] = false; $OPTION['fullQuery'] = false; $OPTION['useLogger'] = true; $OPTION['profile'] = 0; //$OPTION['outfile'] = false; //set this to a filename, and use $showSQL in your queries and they'll go to this file. define ('MAX_SQL_ERRORS', 10); if (!array_key_exists('autoConnect',$OPTION)) $OPTION['autoConnect'] = true; if ($OPTION['autoConnect']) SQL_CONNECT("localhost"); /* * We are (currently) trying to prevent just one trivial type of sql injection. * Namely, the one that attempts to end query with a ; and then add an extra query * to the end. This is a common technique, and the one that is easiest to detect. * * First, we watch for unbalanced quotes. If any are found, the query is invalid anyway * and thus will not be allowed to run. * * Second, I can't think of a single valid use of a semicolon outside the literals * enclosed into ''. Semicolons will be alloedd in those literals, but not outside. * * Single quotes that are in the literals and have been SQL_ESCAPE()'d are treated properly, * that is as a single character within the literal. So are the backslashed-escaped chars. * * Any other additions are welcome, but this is at least a good start. * * @author Vlad Krupin [vlad@] */ function IS_SAFE_SQL_QUERY($q){ $len = strlen($q); $inside = false; // inside a literal (enclosed by '') $ret = true; // query assumed good unless we can prove otherwise. for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $more = ($i < ($len - 1)); // we have at least one more character // CR3940 - we can't use the $q[$i] here because the bracket operator doesn't // currently work with multibyte strings. Yuck. switch( substr( $q, $i, 1 ) ) { case "\\": //[krogebry] Why would there be a test for '$inside' here? // anything after a \ should be an escaped char, that's what \ does. #if($inside && $more) #{ $i++; // whatever follows MUST be an escaped character. #continue; #} break; case "'": // we are inside the string and came up with a properly-escaped quote #if($inside && $more && ($q[$i+1] == "'")){ if($inside && $more && substr( $q, $i, $i - 1 ) == "\\" ){ $i++; continue; } $inside = !$inside; break; case ";": // semicolons outside literals are not permitted. if(!$inside) return "Possible chain query via semi-colon injection"; //case "-": // //testing for -- comments // if (substr( $q, $i, 2 ) == '--') return "Possible '-- comment' injection."; // break; }// switch() } if($inside) $ret = "Unbalanced single quotes"; #print "Ret: [$ret]<br/>\n"; return $ret; } /** * Make a connection to a mysql db. * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_CONNECT($server = 'localhost') { global $OPTION; $GLOBALS['__CONNECTED_SERVER'] = $server; if (!$OPTION['username']) $OPTION['username'] = 'root'; if (!$OPTION['password']) $OPTION['password'] = ''; $tries = 5; for($i = 1; $i <= $tries; $i++) { switch ( strtolower($server) ) { case "1": case "localhost": default: $GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE'] = @mysql_pconnect("localhost", $OPTION['username'], $OPTION['password']); if (is_resource($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE'])) break 2; } echo translate("Unable to connect to database. Retrying [%1\$s/%2\$s] in 5 seconds.\n", $i, $tries); sleep(5); } if (!is_resource($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE'])) { echo translate("Could not connect to %1\$s server. Aborting.\n", $GLOBALS['__CONNECTED_SERVER']); return false; } // Set our connection, results, and client charsets to UTF-8 SQL_QUERY('SET NAMES utf8'); //echo translate("Got __DB_HANDLE %1\$s", $GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); return $GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']; } /** * Save the SQL connection object to a global area * @access public * @author Evan Webb [evan@] */ function SQL_SAVE_CONN() { if(!isset($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLES'])) { $GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLES'] = array(); } array_push($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLES'],$GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); } /** * Reuse a stored connection * @access public * @author Evan Webb [evan@] */ function SQL_RESTORE_CONN($con=null) { if(is_null($con)) { $GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE'] = array_pop($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLES']); } else { $GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE'] = $con; } } /** * Select a db * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_DB($dbname, $exit = true) { if ( @mysql_select_db($dbname,$GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']) ) { $GLOBALS['__CURRENT_DB'] = $dbname; return true; } else { if ($exit == true) exit("Could not connect to the '".$dbname."' Database."); else return false; //this is in case you want to do your own error handling. } } /** * Outputs the SQL to /tmp/SQL_profile.txt in detail. * * profile SQL statements in varying detail levels. * Detail Levels: * 1 = Y-m-d/ h:i:s * 2 = SQL timing * 3 = filename * * @access public * @return boolean on success or failure. * @param string $sql The SQL query to be executed, this can be SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE amongst others. * @param int $detail the detail level as an integer 1-3. * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @since 3.11 * @version 1.1 * @date 05/11/05 */ function SQL_PROFILE($sql, $detail = 3 ) { if ($detail == 0) return false; if (!isset($sql)) return false; if (!$handle = fopen("/tmp/SQL_profile.txt", 'a')) { echo "unable to open file /tmp/SQL_profile.txt\n"; return false; } //not really required, as they're handled inherently //if ($detail > 4) $detail = 4; //if ($detail < 1) $detail = 1; $text = date("[Y-m-d h:i:s "); if ($detail >= 2) //start timer { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); $sql_start = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } $result = @mysql_query($sql, $GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); if ($detail >= 2) //end timer { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); $text .= number_format( (((float)$usec + (float)$sec) - $sql_start), 4 ).'s'; } //we do this here so as not to upset the timer too much if ($detail >= 3) { $text .= ' '.$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']; $traceArray = debug_backtrace(); $text .= ' '.$traceArray[1]['file'].' ('.$traceArray[1]['line'].')'; $text = str_replace('/lockdown/', '', $text); } $sql = str_replace("\n", ' ', $sql); $sql = preg_replace('/\s+/',' ', $sql); if (!fwrite($handle, $text.'] '.$sql."\n")) { echo "unable to write to file /tmp/SQL_profile.txt\n"; return false; } @fclose($handle); return $result; } //SQL_PROFILE /** * Output the HTML debugging string in color coded glory for a sql query * This is very nice for being able to see many SQL queries * @access public * @return void. prints HTML color coded string of the input $query. * @param string $query The SQL query to be executed. * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @since 4.0 * @version 1.0 * @date 04/05/05 * @todo highlight SQL functions. */ function SQL_DEBUG( $query ) { if( $query == '' ) return 0; global $SQL_INT; if( !isset($SQL_INT) ) $SQL_INT = 0; //[dv] I like my version better... //require_once('classes/geshi/geshi.php'); //$geshi = new GeSHi($query, 'sql'); //echo $geshi->parse_code(); //return; //TODO: [dv] I wonder if a better way to do this is to split the string into array chunks and examine them each individually? //TODO: [dv] I think we'd get better results if we normalize the $query string by stripping out any \n\r characters: $query = str_replace( array("\n", "\r", ' '), ' ', $query); //[dv] this has to come first or you will have goofy results later. //[dv] UGH this number one is causing me lots of grief... why can't i figure out the regex to use? //highlight numbers //$query = preg_replace("/[\s=](\d+)\s/", "<FONT COLOR='#FF6600'>$1</FONT>", $query, -1); //highlight strings between quote marks $query = preg_replace("/(['\"])([^'\"]*)(['\"])/i", "$1<FONT COLOR='#FF6600'>$2</FONT>$3", $query, -1); //highlight functions $query = preg_replace("/(\w+)\s?\(/", "<FONT COLOR='#CC00FF'>".strtoupper('\\1')."</FONT>(", $query, -1); //underline tables/databases $query = preg_replace("/(\w+)\./", "<U>$1</U>.", $query, -1); $query = str_ireplace( array ( '*', 'SELECT ', 'UPDATE ', 'DELETE ', 'INSERT ', 'INTO ', 'VALUES ', 'FROM ', 'LEFT ', 'JOIN ', 'WHERE ', 'LIMIT ', 'ORDER BY ', 'AND ', 'OR ', //[dv] note the space. otherwise you match to 'colOR' ;-) ' DESC', ' ASC', ' ON ', ' AS ' ), array ( "<FONT COLOR='#FF6600'><B>*</B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>SELECT </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>UPDATE </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>DELETE </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>INSERT </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>INTO </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>VALUES </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>FROM </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00CC00'><B>LEFT </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00CC00'><B>JOIN </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>WHERE </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>LIMIT </B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00AA00'><B>ORDER BY</B> </FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'><B>AND</B> </FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'><B>OR</B> </FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'> <B>DESC</B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'> <B>ASC</B></FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#00DD00'> <B>ON</B> </FONT>", "<FONT COLOR='#0000AA'> <B>AS</B> </FONT>" ), $query ); echo "<FONT COLOR='#0000FF'><B>DEBUG SQL[".$SQL_INT."]:</B> ".$query."<FONT COLOR='#FF0000'>;</FONT></FONT><BR>\n"; $SQL_INT++; } //SQL_DEBUG /** * A wrapper around the mysql_query function. * * Handles the $db handle, errors and echoing of the SQL query itself * and stores any errors in the global variable errorString; * * @access public * @return result set handle pointer suitable for. * @param string $sql The SQL query to be executed, this can be SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE amongst others. * @param boolean $showSQL output the $sql to the display (for debugging purposes usually). false by default. * @param boolean $showErrors output any errors encountered to the display (for debugging purposes usually). true by default. * @param boolean $execute useful for debuging when you don't want the SQL command to actually execute, but you may want to see the query passed i.e. SQL_QUERY($sql, true, true, false); true by default. * @param boolean $noHTML when using the function in console scripts to strip off HTML tags. * @param int $profile detail level (1-3) to output the SQL to /tmp/SQL_profile.txt. * @param int $count The counter used for recursion * @param string $errorOutput What format the error message, if any, should be returned as. Can be txt, xml or html (default). * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @since 3.0 * @version 1.4 * @date 06/04/07 */ function SQL_QUERY($sql, $showSQL = false, $showErrors = true, $execute = true, $noHTML = false, $profile = 0, $count = 0, $errorOutput = 'html') { global $OPTION; if ($showSQL) { //[dv] the preg_replace will magically strip out the spaces, newlines, tabs and other funky chars to make one nice string. $sql = preg_replace("/\s+/",' ', (preg_replace("/\s/",' ',$sql)) ); if ($OPTION['outfile']) file_put_contents($OPTION['outfile'], 'SQL: '.$sql."\n", (FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX) ); elseif ($noHTML || $OPTION['noHTML']) echo "SQL: ".$sql."\n"; else SQL_DEBUG( $sql ); } if ($execute) { //[dv] added to remove all comments (which may help with SQL injections as well. //$sql = preg_replace("/#.*?[\r\n]/s", '', $sql); //$sql = preg_replace("/--.*?[\r\n]/s", '', $sql); //$sql = preg_replace("@/\*(.*?)\*/@s", '', $sql); // execute query only if it appears to be safe. if ( ($error_str = IS_SAFE_SQL_QUERY($sql)) === TRUE ) { if ($OPTION['profile'] > 0) $profile = $OPTION['profile']; if ($profile > 0) $result = SQL_PROFILE($sql, $profile); else $result = @mysql_query($sql,$GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); } else { $error = "Malformed query (".$error_str."). Execution blocked."; $result = FALSE; // indicate that we failed } if (!$result) { if(!isset($GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'])) $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] = ""; // if error has not been set, then we have a 'regular' mysql error. Otherwise it is a potentially malicious query. if(!isset($error)){ $error = mysql_error($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); $errno = mysql_errno($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); if(($errno == 2013)||($errno == 2006)) { if($count > 20) { logger("Maximum number of reconnect attempts exceeded, giving up."); } else { sleep(2); if ($errno == 2013) { SQL_CONNECT($GLOBALS["__CONNECTED_SERVER"]); } elseif ($errno == 2006) { SQL_CLOSE(); SQL_CONNECT($GLOBALS["__CONNECTED_SERVER"]); SQL_DB($GLOBALS['__CURRENT_DB'], false); } return SQL_QUERY($sql, $showSQL, $showErrors, $execute, $noHTML, $profile, $count + 1, $errorOutput); } } } else $errno = 0; // not 'regular' mysql error? well, we need some error code anyway. // get rid of needlessly verbose MySQL error string $error = preg_replace( '/^You have an error in your SQL syntax;.*?near\s*/i', 'Syntax error near ', $error ); // trim to size if necessary if(!$OPTION['fullQuery'] && strlen( $error ) > 100 ) $error = substr( $error, 0, 100 ) . "..."; if ($showErrors && $errorOutput == 'xml' ) { $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= '<errorcode>' . $errno . '</errorcode>' . "\r\n"; $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= '<errormsg>' . mb_htmlentities($error) . '</errormsg>' . "\r\n"; $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= '<errorsql>' . mb_htmlentities($sql) . '</errorsql>' . "\r\n"; $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= '<errorbacktrace>' . mb_htmlentities(backtrace(false)) . '</errorbacktrace>' . "\r\n"; echo $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString']; } elseif ($showErrors && ( $errorOutput == 'text' || $errorOutput == 'txt' ) ) { $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= 'Error Code: ' . $errno . "\n"; $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= 'Error Message: ' . $error . "\n\n"; $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= 'Error SQL: ' . $sql . "\n\n"; $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= 'Backtrace: ' . backtrace( false, $errorOutput ) . "\n"; echo $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString']; } elseif ($showErrors) { $GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'] .= "<B><U>SQL ERROR</U> ::</B> ".$errno." <B>::</B> ".$error." <BR><FONT SIZE='-3'><I>".$sql."</I></FONT>\n".backtrace(false); //TODO: [dv] is there a way to determine if we're in a CGI vs. Web page? if ($noHTML or $OPTION['noHTML']) echo strip_tags($GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'])."\n"; else echo "<PRE STYLE='text-align: left; border: thin solid Red; padding: 5px;'><FONT CLASS='error'>".$GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString']."</FONT></PRE><BR>\n"; if ($OPTION['outfile']) { //echo "Dumping error to outfile: ".$OPTION['outfile']."\n"; file_put_contents($OPTION['outfile'], strip_tags($GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString']."\n"), (FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX) ); } if ($OPTION['useLogger']) logger(strip_tags($GLOBALS['SQL_ErrorString'])); } //if ($showErrors) } //if (!$result) return $result; } return true; } /** * @return int Number of rows in the result set * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_NUM_ROWS($rslt) { if ($rslt) return @mysql_num_rows($rslt); else return false; } /** * A wrapper around the SQL_QUERY function to return an array of key/value pairs. * * This is very useful for those tables that are simply a key/value and you'd like it in an array * then you can just reference the array and save yourself a JOIN perhaps. * * @access public * @return array of key/value pairs. * @param string $sql The SQL query to be executed, this can be SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE amongst others. * @param boolean $showSQL output the $sql to the display (for debugging purposes usually). false by default. * @param boolean $showErrors output any errors encountered to the display (for debugging purposes usually). true by default. * @param boolean $execute useful for debuging when you don't want the SQL command to actually execute, but you may want to see the query passed i.e. SQL_QUERY($sql, true, true, false); true by default. * @param boolean $noHTML when using the function in console scripts to strip off HTML tags. * @param int $profile detail level (1-3) to output the SQL to /tmp/SQL_profile.txt. * @param int $count The counter used for recursion * @param string $errorOutput What format the error message, if any, should be returned as. Can be txt, xml or html (default). * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @since 3.0 * @version 1.0 * @date 07/29/04 */ function SQL_QUERY_ARRAY_PAIR($sql, $showSQL = false, $showErrors = true, $execute = true, $noHTML = false, $profile = 0, $count = 0, $errorOutput = 'html') { $rslt = SQL_QUERY($sql, $showSQL, $showErrors, $execute, $noHTML, $profile, $count, $errorOutput); if ($rslt) { while(list($key,$value) = SQL_ROW($rslt)) $tmpArray[$key] = $value; return $tmpArray; } return false; } /** * @return array Single element assoc. array * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_ASSOC_ARRAY($rslt) { if ($rslt) return @mysql_fetch_assoc($rslt); else return false; } /** * @return array Single element array * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_ROW($rslt) { if ($rslt) return @mysql_fetch_row($rslt); else return false; } /** * @return string Returns the correct view for the current locale * @param string $locale The locale to look up * @param bool $check Whether to check if the table/view exists. If not, use default table * @access public */ function SQL_VIEW_LOCALE($table, $locale = null, $check = true) { $view = $table; if (is_null($locale)) { if(isset($_SESSION['oplocale'])) $locale = $_SESSION['oplocale']; } switch($locale) { case 'en': case 'en_US': case 'en_US.utf8': $view .= '_en_US'; break; case 'en_GOV': case 'en_GOV.utf8': $view .= '_en_GOV'; break; case 'ja': case 'ja_JP': case 'ja_JP.utf8': $view .= '_ja_JP'; break; } //important: Either a DB resource must already be set, or the database needs to //be in the table name for this to work correctly; if ($check) { $try = SQL_QUERY('SELECT 1 FROM '.$view.' LIMIT 1', false, false); if (!$try) $view = $table; //set back to default if view does not exist } return $view; } /** * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_RESULT($rslt, $row = 0) { if ($rslt) return @mysql_result($rslt, $row); else return false; } /** * @return int Insert ID of last insert action * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_INSERT_ID() { return @mysql_insert_id($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); } /** * @return int Number of affected rows * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_AFFECTED_ROWS() { return @mysql_affected_rows($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); } /** * Free up a mysql pointer * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_FREE($rslt) { if ($rslt) return @mysql_free_result($rslt); else return false; } /** * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_ESCAPE($s, $trim = true) { if( is_array( $s ) ) foreach( $s as $k => $v ) $escaped[$k] = SQL_ESCAPE( $v, $trim ); else $escaped = mysql_real_escape_string( $trim ? trim( $s ) : $s ); return( $escaped ); } /** * Seek the pointer * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_DATA_SEEK($rslt, $row = 0) { return mysql_data_seek($rslt, $row); } /** * @return int MySQL error number * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_ERROR_NUM() { return @mysql_errno($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); } /** * @return int MySQL error message * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_ERROR() { return @mysql_error($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); } /** * Close out the connection to the SQL server * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_CLOSE() { return @mysql_close($GLOBALS['__DB_HANDLE']); } /** * This returns error 1007 if it exists already, SQL_ERROR supressed * @access public * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] */ function SQL_CREATE_DB($name) { //[dv] depricated and not even included in our build of PHP!? //http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-create-db.php //return mysql_create_db($name, $db); //[dv] this is not a good way to do this, as it doesn't tell you if it succeeded or not. //return SQL_QUERY("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ".$name); //this returns error 1007 if it exists already, SQL_ERROR supressed return SQL_QUERY("CREATE DATABASE ".$name, false, false); } /** * Returns the value of the given field in the database. * * it's annoying to have to do this to find out the username given their ID, * or other tedious times when you simply need a quick value in a lookup table * * @access public * @return the number of rows in the SELECT box. * @param $id the record id for which to retrieve the data * @param $pk the column to use the $id in. usually the primary key. * @param $column the column name's value to retrieve. * @param $dbtable which table (or db.table) does this reside in. * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @since 3.0 * @version 1.0 * @date 07/12/04 */ function SQL_getField($id, $pk, $column, $dbtable) { $sth = SQL_QUERY("SELECT ".$column." FROM ".$dbtable." WHERE ".$pk." = '".$id."' LIMIT 1"); if ($sth) { $r = SQL_ASSOC_ARRAY($sth); return $r[$column]; } return false; } /** * Dynamically generates a select box from a SQL query. * * The SELECT must return between one and three items. * first is the VALUE the second is the text to display and optional third is shown in parenthesis * if there is only a VALUE, then that is used as the display text too. * <SELECT><OPTTION VALUE=''></SELECT> form element prefilled in * * Tooltips do NOT work in IE. sorry. blame Microsoft for not following W3 standards... * * @access public * @return the number of rows in the SELECT box or false. * @param $size usually 1, but the select box can be any height. * @param $name the NAME='$name' parameter of a SELECT tag. * @param $sql The actual SQL SELECT query that returns between 2 and 3 columns. * @param $blank add the extra 'empty' <OPTION VALUE=''>. * @param $auto onChange will cause a form submit if true. * @param $MatchToThis sometimes it is useful to match $name to something like $_GET['name'] instead. it is array safe too! * @param $extratags Any extra CLASS='' or MULTIPLE or whatever to put in the <SELECT ...> tag. * @param $locale_domain The gettext domain for localization * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@] * @since 3.0 * @version 1.4 * @date 07/26/06 */ function SelectBoxSQL($size, $name, $sql, $blank = false, $auto = false, $MatchToThis = false, $extratags = false, $locale_domain = 'db_gui') { global $$name; $items = 0; if (intval($size) < 1) $size = 1; if ($MatchToThis === false) $MatchToThis = $$name; if ( $qry = SQL_QUERY($sql) ) { echo "\n<SELECT SIZE='".$size."' NAME=\"".$name."\" ID=\"".$name."\""; if ($auto) echo " onChange=\"this.form.submit(); return true;\""; if ($extratags) echo " ".$extratags; //if ($size > 1) echo ' onmouseover="selectBoxTitle(this);"'; echo ">\n"; if (SQL_NUM_ROWS($qry) > 0) { if ($blank && is_bool($blank) ) { echo "<OPTION VALUE=''></OPTION>"; } elseif ($blank && is_string($blank)) { echo "<OPTION VALUE=''>".mb_htmlentities(dctranslate($blank, $locale_domain))."</OPTION>"; } while (@list($key, $text, $description) = SQL_ROW($qry)) { $items++; // Check for selectbox sub-headings. if ( 0 == strncmp( $text, "---", 3 ) ) { echo "<OPTION VALUE='' DISABLED CLASS='selectbox-ghosted'>".mb_htmlentities(dctranslate($text, $locale_domain)); } else { echo "\t<OPTION VALUE='".mb_htmlentities($key)."'"; if (SELECTED_IfInArray($MatchToThis, $key) || ($key == $MatchToThis)) echo " SELECTED"; //if ($size > 1) echo " title='".mb_htmlentities(stripslashes($val))."'"; if ($size > 1) echo ' onmouseover="this.title = this.text;"'; echo ">"; echo mb_htmlentities(dctranslate( (($text)?$text:$key) , $locale_domain)); if ($description) echo " (".mb_htmlentities(dctranslate($description, $locale_domain)).")"; echo "</OPTION>\n"; } } } echo "\t</SELECT>\n"; SQL_FREE($qry); return $items; } else echo "select box cannot be built because of an invalid SQL query.\n"; SQL_FREE($qry); return false; } // end SelectBoxSQL /** * returns a string that can be appended to an SQL statement to form the ORDER BY portion. * * if you want to sort by 'service' in descending order, then simply use 'service_DESC', * conversely, 'service_ASC' would sort in ascending order. The order of the elements in the array * will determine the order they are appended together. * * @access public * @return string of the form ' ORDER BY element[1], element[2], element[3]'... * @param $orderBy false, string, or array of elements like so: [sort_by] => Array ( [1] => service_DESC [2] => protocol [3] => port ) * @param $default a string to use as the default ORDER BY column * @since Alcatraz * @version 1.1 * @date 01/18/05 */ function parseOrderByArray($orderBy = false, $default = false) { $sql = ' ORDER BY '; if (!is_array($orderBy)) { //[dv] is_string() is not enough, as empty values are coming across as strings according to var_dump() if (strlen($orderBy) > 1) return $sql.$orderBy; elseif (is_string($default)) return $sql.$default; else return false; } foreach ($orderBy as $o) $tmp[] = str_replace('_', ' ', $o); return $sql.implode(', ',$tmp); } /** * returns an array of ENUM values from a table/column. * * @access public * @return array of enum values * @param string $Table the name of the table to query * @param string $Column the name of the enum column to query * @param boolean $sorted by default the results are sorted otherwise they are in the order of the enum schema * @param boolean $indexed by default the key/value are the same string. if true, then key is an integer. * @since 4.2 * @version 1.0 * @date 01/26/06 * @see SelectBoxArray() */ function SQL_getEnumValues($Table, $Column, $sorted = true, $indexed = false) { if ($dbQuery = SQL_QUERY("SHOW COLUMNS FROM ".$Table." LIKE '".$Column."'")) { $EnumArray = array(); $dbRow = SQL_ASSOC_ARRAY($dbQuery); $EnumValues = $dbRow['Type']; $EnumValues = substr($EnumValues, 6, strlen($EnumValues)-8); $EnumValues = str_replace("','",",",$EnumValues); if ($indexed) { $EnumArray = explode(",",$EnumValues); if ($sorted) sort($EnumArray); } else { $tmp = explode(",",$EnumValues); foreach($tmp as $k => $v) $EnumArray[$v] = $v; if ($sorted) ksort($EnumArray); } return $EnumArray; } return false; } //these functions are more ENUM related ones that are currently unused, but may be useful at a later date... /* function SelectBoxEnum($table) { $describe=SQL_QUERY("describe ".$table); while ($ligne=SQL_ASSOC_ARRAY($describe)) { extract($ligne); if (substr($Type,0,4)=='enum') { echo $Type; $liste=substr($Type,5,strlen($Type)); $liste=substr($liste,0,(strlen($liste)-2)); $enums=explode(',',$liste); if (sizeof($enums) > 0) { echo "<select name='enum'>\n"; for ($i=0; $i < sizeof($enums);$i++) { $elem=strtr($enums[$i],"'"," "); echo "<option value='".mb_htmlentities($elem)."'>".mb_htmlentities($elem)."</option>\n"; } echo "</select>"; } } } } function SSM_inputEnumDBField( $myName, $myTable, $myField, $myDefault="", $visible=true ) { // query the DB to extract the enum values $qqq = "DESCRIBE $myTable $myField"; $result = SQL_QUERY( $qqq ); $arow = SQL_ASSOC_ARRAY( $result ); $myArr = explode( ",", trim( strstr( $arow['Type'], "(" ), "()")) ; // now format the values as required by SSM_inputSelect() $idx = 0; $cnt = count($myArr); while($idx < $cnt) { $myArr[$idx] = trim( $myArr[$idx], "'" ); $idx++; } sort( $myArr ); $myList = implode( "|", $myArr ); return SSM_inputSelect( $myName, $myList, $myDefault ); } */ /** * Generates an HTML formatted backtrace to pinpoint exactly where code STB. * * taken from the PHP user supplied functions as adodb_backtrace() * shows the functions, file:// and line # * this is not database specific, i only include it here for convenience as this is included on every page, * and more often than not, your SQL is what barfs, moreso than any other function... * * @access public * @return an HTML formatted string complete with file, function and line that barfed * @param $print defaults to true, but can be false if you just want the returned string. * @param $output The type of output that is returned. Default is HTML. * @author [jlim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] * @since 3.0 * @version 1.1 * @date 09/15/04 */ function backtrace($print = true, $output = 'html') { global $SQL_ERROR_COUNT; if( !isset($SQL_ERROR_COUNT) ) $SQL_ERROR_COUNT = 0; $s = ''; $MAXSTRLEN = 64; $s = ( $ouptut == 'html' ? "\n<pre align=left CLASS='error'><B><U>" : '' ) . 'BACKTRACE' . ( $ouptut == 'html' ? "</U></B>" : '' ) . " ::\n"; $traceArr = debug_backtrace(); array_shift($traceArr); $tabs = sizeof($traceArr)-1; foreach ($traceArr as $arr) { for ($i=0; $i < $tabs; $i++) $s .= ( $output == 'html' ? ' ' : ' ' ); $tabs -= 1; //$s .= "<FONT CLASS='error'>"; if (isset($arr['class'])) $s .= $arr['class'].'.'; if (isset($arr['args']) && is_array($arr['args'])) foreach($arr['args'] as $v) { if (is_null($v)) $args[] = 'null'; else if (is_array($v)) $args[] = 'Array['.sizeof($v).']'; else if (is_object($v)) $args[] = 'Object:'.get_class($v); else if (is_bool($v)) $args[] = $v ? 'true' : 'false'; else { $v = (string) @$v; $str = ( $output == 'html' ? htmlspecialchars(substr($v,0,$MAXSTRLEN)) : substr($v,0,$MAXSTRLEN) ); if (strlen($v) > $MAXSTRLEN) $str .= '...'; $args[] = $str; } } if (isset($arr['args']) && is_array($args)) $s .= ( $output == 'html' ? '<B>' : '' ) . $arr['function'] . '(' . ( $output == 'html' ? '</B>' : '' ) . implode( ', ', $args ) . ( $output == 'html' ? '<B>' : '' ) . ')' . ( $output == 'html' ? '</B>' : '' ); //$s .= ( $output == 'html' ? '</FONT>' : '' ); if( $output == 'html' ) $s .= sprintf("<FONT COLOR='#808080' SIZE='-3'> :: line #%d,"." file: <a href=\"file:/%s\">%s</a></font>",$arr['line'],$arr['file'],$arr['file']); else $s .= sprintf(" :: line #%d, file: %s", $arr['line'], $arr['file'] ); $s .= "\n"; } $s .= ( $output == 'html' ? "</pre>\n" : '' ); if ($print) print $s; if($SQL_ERROR_COUNT++ > MAX_SQL_ERRORS) exit( ( $output == 'html' ? '<CENTER><H1>' : '' ) . '*** More than ' . MAX_SQL_ERRORS . ' SQL errors. Aborting script. ***' . ( $output == 'html' ? '</H1></CENTER>' : '' ) ); return $s; } //backtrace() /** * @access public */ function update_plugin_cache($company){ update_unsafe_tests($company); } /** * @access public */ function update_unsafe_tests($company) { SQL_QUERY("REPLACE INTO $company.testset SELECT * from V2_Data.testset WHERE id < 1000"); SQL_QUERY("DELETE FROM $company.testset_test WHERE testset_id = 3"); SQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO $company.testset_test (SELECT NULL, 3, scan_id FROM Swordfish.pluginlist WHERE category IN (3,5,8) OR scan_id IN (11475) OR name LIKE '%crashes%' OR summary LIKE '%crashes%')"); } /** * @access public */ function guideTableDB($Key, $Attribute="", $Type="4") { $Key = trim($Key, "/"); $query = SQL_QUERY("SELECT html FROM ".SQL_VIEW_LOCALE('Swordfish.ld_guide')." WHERE gui_key = '".$Key."' AND gui_key_type = '".$Type."' LIMIT 1"); if ($query) $data = SQL_ROW($query); $content = $data[0]; if ($content != '') { $content = eregi_replace("h[0-9]>", "b>", $content); $content = eregi_replace("[0-9]+\..nbsp;", "<li>", $content); $content = eregi_replace(".nbsp;", " ", $content); $content = eregi_replace("</b>[\r\n ]+<p ", "</b><ol>\r\r<p ", $content); $content = $content."</ol>"; ?> <P> <!-- HELP EXCERPT --> <TABLE CLASS="info" ALIGN="CENTER" cellpadding="3" <?= $Attribute ?>> <TR><TD CLASS="tableHeadline"><?=translate('Instructions')?></TD></TR> <TR> <TD><?= $content ?></TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <ul><b><?=translate('Note:')?></b><?=translate('These instructions may disappear once data is populated on this page. To view this again, click the <IMG SRC=\'/images/gui/help_button.png\'> button in the upper-right corner of the screen.')?></ul> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!-- /HELP EXCERPT --> </P> <?php } } /** * Prepare a sql query * @author krogebry (krogebry@) * @param string $sql SQL query * @returns dbObject object */ function SQL_PREPARE( $sql, $debug=false ) { return new dbObject($sql, $debug); }// SQL_PREPARE() /** * Prepared DB object. * This is what gets passed back from SQL_PREPARE() * Usage: * Use just about the same way that perl DBI, or any other high level * DB abstraction layer works. Use '?' as the replacement key. * Example: * $sql = "SELECT * FROM blah WHERE id=?"; * $ptr = SQL_PREPARE( $sql ); * for( $i=0; $i<10; $i++ ){ * $ro = $ptr->execute( array($i) ); * print_x( $ro ); * } * * Notes: * execute simply replaces ? with it's value enclosed in "", * then returns SQL_QUERY(QUERY) */ class dbObject { /** Variables */ /** @var $sql SQL query */ private $sql = ""; /** @var $sql SQL query */ private $numMatches = 0; private $debug = 0; private $ptr = ""; /** End Variables */ public function __construct($sql, $debug=false) { $num = preg_match_all( "/\?/", $sql, $matches ); $this->numMatches = $num; $this->sql = $sql; $this->debug = $debug; }// __construct() /** * Execute the prepared sql query * @param array $array Array of replacement values */ public function execute( $array, $debug=false ) { if( sizeof($array) != $this->numMatches ) throw new SQL_EXCEPTION("Invalid matching params for query [".sizeof($array) ."]::[". $this->numMatches ."]"); $sql = $this->sql; foreach($array as $a ) { $sql = preg_replace( "/\?/", "\"". $a ."\"", $sql, 1 ); } if( $debug==true || $this->debug==true ){ SQL_DEBUG( $sql ); } if( !$ptr = SQL_QUERY($sql,$this->debug) ){ throw new SQL_EXCEPTION( $sql ); }else{ $this->ptr = $ptr; return $ptr; } }// execute() public function numRows(){ return SQL_NUM_ROWS( $this->ptr ); } public function fetchrow(){ return SQL_ASSOC_ARRAY( $this->ptr ); } }// dbObject class SQL_EXCEPTION extends Exception { private $sql = ""; private $debug = ""; private $die = false; public function __construct( $sql="", $debug="", $die=false ) { $this->sql = $sql; $this->debug = $debug; $this->die = $die; } public function getQuery(){ return $this->sql; } public function getDebug(){ return $this->debug; } public function dump( $verbosity=1 ){ $trace = $this->getTrace(); #print_x( $trace ); ?> <style type="text/css"> queryFailure{ display: table; } info{ display: table-row; } query{ display: table-cell; } trace{ display: table; } call{ display: table-row; } </style> <queryFailure> <info> <query><?=$this->getQuery()?></query> <debug><?=$this->getDebug()?></debug> </info> <trace> <call></call> </trace> </queryFailure> <?php } }// SQL_EXCEPTION //found here http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.split.php function quotesplit( $s, $splitter = ' ', $restore_quotes = 0 ) { $s = str_replace('""', "'", $s); $getstrings = explode('"', $splitter.$s.$splitter); $delimlen = strlen($splitter); $instring = 0; while (list($arg, $val) = each($getstrings)) { if ($instring==1) { if( $restore_quotes ) $result[count($result)-1] = $result[count($result)-1].'"'.$val.'"'; else $result[] = $val; $instring = 0; } else { if ((strlen($val)-$delimlen) >= 1) { $temparray = split($splitter, substr($val, $delimlen, strlen($val)-$delimlen-$delimlen ) ); while(list($iarg, $ival) = each($temparray)) { $result[] = trim($ival); } } $instring = 1; } } return $result; } ?>
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