Better use mysqli rather mysql. It supports all new features of MySQL. I solved the problem in following manner. 1. Detect the return value of mysqli->query function. 2. If it is FALSE get the error no, error msg etc and store in a Mysql table for further review. You can also write it in a error log file. Example... /* Part of MYSQLI class */ public function Query($sql, $flag = 0) { $my = new mysqli($this->host,$this->user,$this->pass,$this->db); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { $this->conn_err_no = mysqli_connect_errno(); $this->conn_err_msg = mysqli_connect_error(); return FALSE; } //$this->QueryLog(addslashes($sql)); $arr1 = explode(" ", $sql); $queryType = $arr1[0]; $result = $my->query($sql); if($result === FALSE) { $this->query_err_no = $my->errno; $this->query_err_msg = $my->error; $this->sqlstate = $my->sqlstate; $this->ErrorLog(addslashes($sql)); } else { $this->QueryLog(addslashes($sql)); } if($queryType == "SELECT" || $queryType == "SHOW" || $queryType == "DESCRIBE" || $queryType == "EXPLAIN" || $queryType == "CALL") { if($result) { $num_row = $result->num_rows; $num_col = $result->field_count; if($num_row == 0) $ret = NULL; if($num_row == 1 && $num_col == 1) { $record = $result->fetch_row(); if($flag == 1) $ret = array($record[0]); else $ret = $record[0]; } if($num_row == 1 && $num_col > 1) { if($flag == 1) $ret = array($result->fetch_array()); else $ret = $result->fetch_row(); } if($num_row > 1 && $num_col == 1) { $retarr = array(); while($record = $result->fetch_array()) { array_push($retarr, $record[0]); } $ret = $retarr; } if($num_row > 1 && $num_col > 1) { $retarr = array(); while($record = $result->fetch_array()) { array_push($retarr, $record); } $ret = $retarr; } if($num_row > 0) { $this->field_list = $result->fetch_fields(); } } else { return FALSE; } } else { if($result === FALSE) return FALSE; if($queryType == "UPDATE" || $queryType == "INSERT" || $queryType == "REPLACE" || $queryType == "DELETE") { $ret = $my->affected_rows; if($queryType == "INSERT") $this->last_insert_id = $my->insert_id; } } return $ret; } private function QueryLog($query) { $my = new mysqli($this->host,$this->user,$this->pass,$this->db); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { $this->conn_err_no = mysqli_connect_errno(); $this->conn_err_msg = mysqli_connect_error(); return FALSE; } $ts = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO pi_global.tblquerylog VALUES('','$ts','$query')"; $my->query($sql); $my->close(); } private function ErrorLog($query) { $my = new mysqli($this->host,$this->user,$this->pass,$this->db); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { $this->conn_err_no = mysqli_connect_errno(); $this->conn_err_msg = mysqli_connect_error(); return FALSE; } $ts = time(); $errno = $this->query_err_no; $errmsg = addslashes($this->query_err_msg); $state = $this->sqlstate; $sql = "INSERT INTO pi_global.tblerrorlog VALUES('','$ts','$query','$errno','$errmsg','$state')"; $my->query($sql); $my->close(); } Regards, Samrat Kar FRD, BARC Tel: 022-25597295 Alternate Email: esamrat@xxxxxxxxx -----Original Message----- From: Tim Legg [mailto:kc0ofc@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 11:42 PM To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Stricter Error Checking? Hello, I just spent way, way to much time trying to debug code due to a misnamed element. Here is a simplified example of the problem I dealt with. $test = "SELECT * FROM `Materials` WHERE `Part_Number` = '125664'"; $result = mysql_query($test,$handle); if(!$result) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); echo $row['Number']; After retyping the code 3 or 4 times over the course of the morning, I finally found where the problem was. The problem is that the database field is called 'Part_Number', not 'Number'. The field 'Number' does not exist in the database. I am very surprised that I didn't even get a warning that there might be a problem with the statement. All I saw is that nothing was being returned via the echo command. There really must be a stricter error checking that is turned on somewhere, isn't there? Thanks for your help. Tim -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.112/2391 - Release Date: 09/23/09 18:00:00 -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: