Rob it's LAMP php5. Godaddy virtual dedicated. I'm considering if I should
just bite the bullet and attempt to build my first SQL db tonight, because
there's plenty of info about doing the basics via sql. I have phpMyAdmin
and cPanel. It's a classic noob issue of whether to spend extra time doing
it the right way or not.
Thanks very much for your interest in helping.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Cummings" <robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Todd Dunning" <todd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: Basic of Basics
Todd Dunning wrote:
Just put yourself in these shoes:
1. It's before you learned SQL.
2. You can declare variables and call includes and that's about it.
3. Your site looks great, the includes are ready. The variables are
already in the includes.
4. You have a delimited file, 15K rows, 30 columns.
5. You have to get it done tonight.
6. Your entire career has been spent using static files, but now it's
time to grow up.
Here's the challenge for you, Mr. Pre-SQL:
1. You need the usual search results, say about 20 rows, and the result
page. The most basic of basics.
2. Thank the gurus at php.general.
There's a link out there somewhere about posting well formed questions.
The above, if it is a question (I don't see any question marks), does not
in any way adhere to the principles of a well formed question.
The existence of 5 suggests that 6 should have happened already.
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