Hi all,
I'm using this code to display the current time for our location on
our website:
$theTimeIs = getdate(time());
$theHour = $theTimeIs['hours'];
$theMinute = $theTimeIs['minutes']; // make minutes
under 10 show two digits
$theSecond = $theTimeIs['seconds'];
if($theHour > 12){
$theHour = $theHour - 12;
$dn = "PM";
} else {
$dn = "AM";
echo "$theHour:$theMinute:$theSecond $dn";
It works great except for one small detail. If the time is 3:04:02,
it is displayed as 3:4:2 which, of course, is very odd looking. So I
corrected it as follows:
$theTimeIs = getdate(time());
$theHour = $theTimeIs['hours'];
if (strlen ($theTimeIs['minutes']) < 2) {
$theMinute = "0" . $theTimeIs['minutes'];
} else {
$theMinute = $theTimeIs['minutes'];
if (strlen ($theTimeIs['seconds']) < 2) {
$theSecond = "0" . $theTimeIs['seconds'];
} else {
$theSecond = $theTimeIs['seconds'];
if($theHour > 12){
$theHour = $theHour - 12;
$dn = "PM";
} else {
$dn = "AM";
echo "$theHour:$theMinute:$theSecond $dn";
It works, but is there a better way to do it?
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