Re: how to say "inverse your value" (to a boolean)?

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Daevid Vincent wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Daevid Vincent wrote:
>>> NO! For the love of God and all that is holy, don't do that 
>> accumulator / mod "hack". 
>>> That's sooooo 1980's. And why make the CPU do all that math 
>> for every row...
>>> Just do this. It's quick and simple:
>>> CSS:
>>> 	.dataRow1 { background-color: #DFDFDF; }
>>> 	.dataRow2 { background-color: #FFFFFF; }
>>> foreach ($foo_array as $foo) {
>>>    ?><tr class="<?= ($dr = !$dr) ? "dataRow1" : "dataRow2" 
>> ?>"><td><?= $foo
>>> ?></td></tr><?php
>> Wow, were to start with all the problems in the above code:
>> 1.  Short tags?
> Nothing wrong with them. Do yourself a test. There is zero speed difference
> in a page. It makes your code cleaner and easier to read, plus less
> kilobytes you have to pull from the hard drive, therefore faster pages.
> n-php-echo-var-and-var
> .html

Looks like all your code is going to stop working when PHP 6 comes
around.  Since the "<?= " is part of the family they look to deprecate.
(read next comment)

> Are you sure you're not confused with "short_open_tags" ie. <? ?> -- which I
> am fully against (as am I against <% %> too), although sadly they are lumped
> into the same directive, when IMHO they should be separate.
> language-php-and-add-php-var

Glad you mention this.  If you look at the note for the short-open-tag
option, it says:

Note: This directive also affects the shorthand "<?= ", which is
identical to "<? echo ". Use of this shortcut requires short_open_tag
to be on.

So, you are saying you do not like to promote the use of short_open_tag,
but in your examples of how to write your code, you use them because it
shortens your code, etc...

So, which is it, do you like using short_open_tag or not???  Because
"<?=" is part of the short_open_tag family

>> 2.  Not using echo or print.  
> <?= ?> is a fantastic shortcut to the antiquated <?php echo ""; ?> B.S.

Yours requires short_open_tag to be on and uses them, mine doesn't

Plus, I would never do this in side of HTML to begin with.  If I was in
the middle of a script, then I would have PHP echo the entire HTML
portion of the code rather then breaking out of PHP - do some HTML -
break in to PHP and echo a variable - break out and finish the HTML.

> The vast majority of your page is output in little fragments like this, so
> why not keep it clean and easy to read. Why would you purposely choose to be
> more verbose than you need to be for something as basic as "print".
>> You actually recommend breaking in/out of php?
> Hell yeah I do. THAT is one of the MAIN reasons to use PHP. Otherwise, why
> not just render your whole page with a bunch of $html .= '<tr><td>...';
> tags and print $html at the end. Welcome to the year 2000 my friend.

So, your example above would tell me that you are the type of guy that
would echo all your HTML code from within your nested php functions? hmmm

Breaking in/out of PHP all the time, what a mess of code that would be.

I have tried tasting that soup before.  I didn't like it...

> You're probably the same kind of person that does this crap:
> if ($foo == true)
> {
>    echo "A";
> }
> else
> {
>    echo "B";
> }

Actually, my crap would look like this:

if ( $foo ) {
	echo 'A';
} else {
	echo 'B';

No double quotes (no variables need to be worked with)
Open curly bracket on the end of the previous line
    I actually wrote a script that will take your example and turn it
    into my crap

> (complete with extra braces and checking for 'true' explicitly, but not
> using === in such cases)

I do know the difference between == and ===

> Rather than a much cleaner, easier to read/write and more concise:
>  <?= ($foo) ? 'A' : 'B' ?>

Again with your short_open_tag recommendations...  When will you learn
that this is going against what you preach.

>> 3.  Using uninitialized variables (I run with the E_ALL crowd)
> I'm so happy for you. Do you have a membership card and everything? That's
> your own masochistic fault then. I run with the
> save-myself-the-headache-and-write-clean-efficient-code crowd.

I don't think I am causing myself any pain.

clean !== use uninitialized variables
efficient !== squelching the NOTICE(s) that get generated by your code
that uses uninitialized variables.  Not having them be generate in the
first place would be better.

>> 4.  Using the <tr class=''> and not the <td class=''>...  Hmmm
> Maybe you're new to how HTML works, but if you want to highlight a ROW (as
> the OP did), then you put the background color on the highest parent that it
> applies to. Hey imagine that, there is a TR tag which stands for TABLE ROW
> tag. Seems obvious to me. This reduces your page size in kilobytes, makes a
> much cleaner HTML rendering to read in source, and is the PROPER way to do
> it.

I have found, in a number of cases, that using only the <TR > tag
doesn't work all the time.

>>> }
>>> No need to initialize $dr as by default PHP will make it a 
>> boolean "false",
>>> then each itteration, it will toggle true/false and 
>> substitute the CSS class
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Jim Lucas [mailto:lists@xxxxxxxxx] 
>>>> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 4:03 PM
>>>> To: John Butler
>>>> Cc: PHP-General List
>>>> Subject: Re:  how to say "inverse your value" (to a boolean)?
>>>> John Butler wrote:
>>>>> quick Q:
>>>>> I have this inside a foreach{}  that I want to alternate 
>>>> between on and
>>>>> off so I can alternate the background-color of my <tr>'s.
>>>>> $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter != $tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter; 
>>>> //-boolean
>>>>> on and off
>>>>> I am looking thru' docs and books, but can't remember (nor 
>>>> find now) in
>>>>> PHP how to say "inverse your value" (to a boolean).
>>>>> ?
>>>>> TIA! -G
>>>> <?php
>>>> $arr = range(1, 10);
>>>> $i = 0;
>>>> foreach ( $arr AS $row ) {
>>>> 	$row_color = ( ( $i++ % 2 ) ? 'green' : 'red');
>>>> 	echo $row_color;
>>>> }
>>>> ?>
>> another (neat|strange)+ way I use the above is like so
>> <style>
>> 	.rowColor0 { background: #FFFFFF; }
>> 	.rowColor1,
>> 	.rowColor3 { background: #EEEEEE; }
>> 	.rowColor2 { background: #DDDDDD; }
>> </style>
>> <?php
>> $arr = range(1, 10);
>> $i = 0;
>> foreach ( $arr AS $row ) {
>> 	echo '<tr><td class="rowColor'.( $i++ % 4 
>> ).'"'>'.$row.'</td></tr>';
>> }
>> ?>
>>>> -- 
>>>> PHP General Mailing List (
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>> -- 
>> Jim Lucas
>>     "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
>>         and some have greatness thrust upon them."
>> Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
>>      by William Shakespeare

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