What a lot of good ideas spawned from the OP!
I am learning many things,.. while also actually working (paying
bills), so I regularly have to just go with what I know well.
Anyway, I already have the forearch { loop (for other reasons it is
necessary), and I only needed one color to alternate with the
default white.. so I used this:
forearch { ...
$tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter = !$tableRowBGcolorBoolCounter; //-
boolean on and off
(which then sticks in one CSS class or another for that <tr>.
thanks for everyone's feedback.
Yeah, but forearch ain't going to work.
what do you mean? I must have neglected to include more of the
relevant code to show you that it IS working just fine. I will
certainly explain more if you ask.. but the whole point of me
starting the thread was just to be reminded how to inverse a boolean
var's value. Tony answered me; I am happy. I assume you don't want
me (the newbie) to show how I have it working. (?)
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