Bastien Koert wrote:
Use PHPMailer or one of the other classes available...makes life
sooooo much easier
<eric cartman>
Kick Ass!!!
</eric cartman>
Yes! Wow! Was that a breeze! That class rocks!
Thanks tons, Bastien!
I have to admit when I first saw your reply I thought, "Oh,
man, another class to learn? But I know this is so close to
I look at the sample and thought, "This looks easy," and had
it working in no time.
Big thanks again!
Attachments were a big deal here and this makes it a breeze,
AND it looks like multiple attachments would be no problem?
Very cool!
Skip Evans
Big Sky Penguin, LLC
503 S Baldwin St, #1
Madison WI 53703
Those of you who believe in
telekinesis, raise my hand.
-- Kurt Vonnegut
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