If you switch it around you'll get a notice because the IF evaluates
from left to right. So you just want to make sure you check isset()
This would throw a notice:
if($_POST['UserWishesDateRange'] == 'T' &&
isset($_POST['UserWishesDateRange'])) {
Aha! That must be what I tried and was still getting the notice!
Interesting that it works (without notice) if we check against the
isset () one first. It makes if() look more intelligent that I
think... as if it saying, "good now that we've established that the
var isset, now is it also equal to '___'., as opposed to just, "is
set, and is var equal to "___'.
this is not "intelligence" its just pure math. the '&&' says if BOTH
expressions are true then the whole expression is true.
so if the first one is false, the whole is false, why checking the
next one
in the underlaying C it would be something like this
if ( expression == false ) return false;
if ( expression == false) return false;
return true;
I would have thought both would have to be true on their own (without
notice) in order for the the combined expression to be true (without
notice). But Shawn pointed out that the order matters; if we check
for the var's value before checking if it isset then we get a notice,
but if the order is reversed, then we get no notice.