*Parse error*: syntax error, unexpected $end in * /home/a9066165/public_html/admin/processccu.php* on line *231* I did some major code rewriting about halfway through (lines 114-132), and suddenly I'm getting the above ERROR. I have examined the code line by line, but I'm still relatively new to this, and I don't even know what to look for! Here is the complete code, from beginning <?php tag to closing </html> tag: <?php_track_vars?> <?php //CHECKS TO SEE IF FIELDS WERE PROPERLY COMPLETED AND ASSIGNS VARIABLES TO INPUTS - OTHERWISE AN ERROR MESSAGE IS PRINTED $Employee = $_POST['Employee']; if(!empty($_POST['FirstName'])) { $FirstName = $_POST['FirstName']; } else { print "<p class='error'>You have not entered the customer's <b>First Name</b>, please go back and enter it now.</p>"; } if(!empty($_POST['LastName'])) { $LastName = $_POST['LastName']; } else { print "<p class='error'>You have not entered the customer's <b>Last Name</b>, please go back and enter it now.</p>"; } if(!empty($_POST['EMailAddress'])) { $EMailAddress = $_POST['EMailAddress']; } else { $EMailAddress = " "; if(!empty($_POST['Address1'])) { $Address1 = $_POST['Address1']; } else { print "<p class='error'>You must supply the customer's <b>First Address Line</b>, please go back and enter it now.</p>"; } if(!empty($_POST['Address2'])) { $Address2 = $_POST['Address2']; } else { $Address2 = " "; } if(!empty($_POST['City'])) { $City = $_POST['City']; } else { print "<p class='error'>You have not entered the customer's <b>City<b>, please go back and enter it now.</p>"; } if(!empty($_POST['IsHandicappedAccommodations'])) { $IsHandicappedAccommodations = "YES"; } else { $IsHandicappedAccommodations = "NO"; } if(!empty($_POST['State'])) { $State = $_POST['State']; } else { print "<p class='error'>You have not entered the customer's <b>State</b>, please go back and enter it now.</p>"; } if(!empty($_POST['ZIP'])) { $ZIP = $_POST['ZIP']; } else { print "<p class='error'>You have not entered the customer's <b>ZIP Code</b>, please go back and enter it now.</p>"; } if(!empty($_POST['IsSenior'])) { $IsSenior = "YES"; } else { $IsSenior = "NO"; } if(!empty($_POST['DaytimeTelephone'])) { $DaytimeTelephone = $_POST['DaytimeTelephone']; } else { print "<p class='error'>You have not entered the customer's <b>Daytime Telephone Number</b>, please go back and enter it now.</p>"; } $_POST['Category1'] = $Category1; $_POST['Category2'] = $Category2; $_POST['Category3'] = $Category3; $_POST['Category4'] = $Category4; $_POST['Category5'] = $Category5; $_POST['Category6'] = $Category6; $select = "Select"; if($Category1 == $select && $Category2 == $select && $Category3 == $select && $Category4 == $select && $Category5 == $select && $Category6 == $select) { print "<p class='error'>You must choose at least one <b>Category</b>!</p>"; } $categoryarray = array($Category1, $Category2, $Category3, $Category4, $Category5, $Category6); foreach ($categoryarray as $c) { if ($c == $select) { $c = " "; } } //REPLACES NAME VALUES WITH USER-FRIENDLY STRINGS $fields = array(); $fields{"EMailAddress"} = "Email Address"; $fields{"FirstName"} = "First Name"; $fields{"LastName"} = "Last Name"; $fields{"DaytimeTelephone"} = "Home Phone"; $fields{"Address1"} = "Address Line 1"; $fields{"Address2"} = "Address Line 2"; $fields{"City"} = "City"; $fields{"State"} = "State"; $fields{"ZIP"} = "Postal Code"; $fields2 = array(); $fields2{"Employee"} = "Employee"; $fields2{"IsHandicappedAccommodations"} = "Needs Handicap Accommodations"; $fields2{"IsSenior"} = "Senior Status"; $fields2{"Category1"} = "Email Category 1"; $fields2{"Category2"} = "Email Category 2"; $fields2{"Category3"} = "Email Category 3"; $fields2{"Category4"} = "Email Category 4"; $fields2{"Category5"} = "Email Category 5"; $fields2{"Category6"} = "Email Category 6"; //SETS VARIABLES TO BE USED FOR EMAIL $to = "marketing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; $subject = "Constant Contact Update Form"; $headers = "From: $Employee\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html\ncharset: iso-8859-1"; $body = "We have received the following information:\n\n<html>\n<body>\n<table cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' border='1'>\n<tr valign='top'>\n"; //FOREACH LOOP $format = "%s\t"; $headerlabel = '0'; foreach ($fields as $x => $y) { $headerlabel = $headerlabel +1; $body .= "<td>{$headerlabel}<br>\n<img src=' http://lpacmarketing.hostzi.com/images/spacer.gif' width='120' height='1'></td>\n"; } $body .= "</tr>\n<tr valign='top'>\n"; foreach ($fields2 as $x => $y) { $body .= "<td>{$y}</td>\n"; } $body .= "</tr>\n<tr valign='top'>\n"; foreach ($categoryarray as $d) { $body .= "<td>{$d}</td>\n"; } $body .= "</tr>\n<tr valign='top'>\n<td colspan='9'><pre>\n"; foreach ($fields as $a => $b) { $body .= sprintf($format, $b); } $body .= "<br>"; foreach ($fields as $a => $b) { $body .= sprintf($format, $_POST[$a]); } $body .= "</pre></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</body>\n</html>"; //END FOREACH LOOPS //SETS VARIABLES TO BE USED FOR THANK-YOU EMAIL $send = mail($to, $subject, $body, $headers); //test escape character on URL if($send) {header("Location: http:/\/ lpacmarketing.hostzi.com/admin/processccu.php"); } else { print "<p class='error'>We encountered an error submitting your survey! Please notify marketing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx</p<marketing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%3C/p> >"; } ?> <BR><BR></DIV> <BR></DIV></TD> </TR> </TABLE> </DIV> <BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR> </body> </html>