tedd wrote:
Hi gang:
Here's the problem. Let's say you have a collection of arrays, such as:
$a = array();
$b = array();
$c = array();
$d = array();
And then you populate the arrays like so:
$a[] = ...
$b[] = ...
$c[] = ...
$d[] = ...
Now, let's say you want to sort the $d array, but you also want the
arrays $a, $b, and $c to be arranged in the same resultant order as $d.
For example, please follow this:
Before sort of $d:
$a = [apple, banana, grape, orange]
$b = [100, 2111, 198, 150]
$c = [red, yellow, purple, orange]
$d = [100, 300, 11, 50]
After sort of $d:
$a = [grape, orange, apple, banana]
$b = [198, 150, 100, 2111]
$c = [purple, orange, red, yellow]
$d = [11, 50, 100, 300]
Is there a slick way to do that?
function tedd_sort( &$arrays )
$master = null;
$followers = array();
$first = true;
foreach( array_keys( $arrays ) as $key )
if( $first )
$first = false;
$master = &$arrays[$key];
$followers[] = &$arrays[$key];
asort( $master );
foreach( array_keys( $master ) as $mkey )
foreach( array_keys( $followers ) as $fkey )
$value = &$followers[$fkey][$mkey];
unset( $followers[$fkey][$mkey] );
$followers[$fkey][$mkey] = &$value;
$a = array( 'apple', 'banana', 'grape', 'orange' );
$b = array( 100, 2111, 198, 150 );
$c = array( 'red', 'yellow', 'purple', 'orange' );
$d = array( 100, 300, 11, 50 );
$arrays = array( &$d, &$a, &$b, &$c );
tedd_sort( $arrays );
print_r( $a );
print_r( $b );
print_r( $c );
print_r( $d );
If func_get_args() or func_get_arg() had supported retrieving a
reference to the argument, then we could have saved having to pass the
arrays via a combined array. I chose to make $d the first array since in
your example result set it is the one sorted and thus the rest follow as
you would expect.
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