My journey of learning PHP is going well, so i've decided to make a
small program which works out the difference between two times and
records the data in a text file.
I've searched the PHP manual for functions which can help me out, and
I discovered the function Date_diff ( http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.date-diff.php
)and the class DateTime::diff ( http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/datetime.diff.php
My question is, how on earth do I use these functions ? I really don't
understand the manual documentation.
I've just moved onto the subject of classes and so I'm fairly new to
the concept, although I am following it well.
If someone could explain to me how to use ether of these ( Date_diff
and DateTime::diff ) I would be VERY grateful.
Thank you so much!
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