Hello, Thank you all for your cooperation yesterday. I tried PEAR Mail_mime as follows: function SendEmail($template, $params){ // Read and open the template file and the image file $htmlFile = fopen("./templates/$template.html", "r"); $txtFile = fopen("./templates/$template.txt", "r"); $htmlMsg = fread($htmlFile, filesize("./templates/$template.html")); $textMsg = fread($txtFile, filesize("./templates/$template.txt")); // Replace the template values foreach($params as $key => $value){ // Template values will always start with two hash marks ## if(substr($key, 0, 2) == "##"){ $htmlMsg = str_replace($key, $value, $htmlMsg); $textMsg = str_replace($key, $value, $textMsg); } } // Create the appropiate headers $headers = array( "From" => "name@xxxxxxxxx", "Reply-To" => "name@xxxxxxxxx", "Subject" => $params["subject"], "Organization" => "Name" ); // Create the mime object $mime = new Mail_mime(); $mime->setTxtBody($textMsg); $mime->setHTMLBody($htmlMsg); $mime->addHTMLImage("templates/emaillogo.jpg", "image/jpg", "templates/emaillogo.jpg"); // Set the variables for the Mail object to send the message $body = $mime->get(); $headers = $mime->headers($headers); $mail =& Mail::factory("mail"); return $mail->send($params["email"], $headers, $body); } However, hotmail is still getting blank emails when I sent them from my production machine (CentOS 5.3), however, when I send the message from my development machine (Visata Ultimate SP1) it does work correctly on hotmail address . Both machines are running php 5.2 and have the same PEAR packages. I tried Gmail, Yahoo mail and Thunderbird and they work fine. Your help will be much appreciated. Thank you, Fernando. > Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 23:14:11 +0530 > From: sudheer.s@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > To: phpster@xxxxxxxxx > CC: jfercan@xxxxxxxxxxx; richard@xxxxxxx; php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx > Subject: Re: Mail function and hotmail > > > > > > Richard was likely suggestion his mail example as listed in his signature > > > > Other options include > > > > phpmailer > > pear's mime mail > > > > various other classes available www.phpclasses.org > > > Fernando, > > I recommend you check out the various PHP frameworks out there. Instead > of randomly searching for classes for common functionality like sending > an email from your script, you could use the framework's classes. I am > sure all of the frameworks provide classes to send emails. The next > time you need a class to read email from your scripts, you can simply > look for classes your framework of choice provides. > > I personally use Zend Framework. But there are many available - Cake, > CI, Symphony, etc. > > Also take a look at PEAR like Bastien said. > -- > > With warm regards, > Sudheer. S > Business: http://binaryvibes.co.in, Tech stuff: http://techchorus.net, Personal: http://sudheer.net > _________________________________________________________________ Attention all humans. We are your photos. Free us. http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9666046