I've been charged with writing a class that handles forms, once they've been POSTed to. The idea of the class is to handle the most common use-cases of POST forms, and any special functionality can be handled with a child class at a later date, but for our uses, we're going to have mostly pretty typical POST forms. Follows is the list of cases I've determined that are the most common, can anyone think of any that are omitted or that are never going to be used? class form_handler { public /* bool */ function setRequiredFields(array $fields); //takes a simple array that corresponds to a $_POST key, verifying that there is data on required fields but not for optional fields, returns true or false on error public /* bool */ function setRequiredFieldTypes(array $fieldTypes); //array of field names => type a la ('username' => array(regex, '/a-zA-Z0-9\-_/')) //or 'phone_number' => (array('int', 'min_len' => 7, 'max_len' => 10)) etc, the exact spec is obviously nowhere near done but will probably just wrap a lot of filter_ functions, returns true or false on error public /* string */ function validateAndCaptureError(); //returns error or empty string public /* void */ function validateAndForwardTo($page); //forwards to page on error, or not } each of the globule setters will have a corresponding appendRequired... method, so as not to require handling enormous data structures for conditional form building. ♦ As you can see, the class looks pretty barren, but I can't think of any more functionality than would be required, although I am kickign the idea around of having very specific validation type methods ie. form_handler::requireInt($field, array $options) or form_handler::requireRegex($field, $regex), etc. Thoughts? Thanks in advance, --Eddie