Hey -
Running these on a Linux server with PHP 5 and Python 2.5.
My problem is this: I have a simple php form that executes a long (~3
minutes) Python script using the 'exec' function from php. The issue
is that the browser, I think, 'times out' before the Python script is
finished and therefore kills Python and displays no output from
Python. After some intense googling, I haven't found an answer, but I
found a potential solution that I really want to avoid (manually
opening a process that runs in the background, and checking its status
until it is complete, then refreshing the web page). I'd much rather
find an easier way to do this, and thus I am asking for help either
way. If my only option is to open a job and monitor its status, could
someone help guide me through coding this? I've tried naïvely doing
exec("/path/to/executable arg1 arg2 >> /path/to/logfile 2>&1 &") but
it seems as though even this dies when the browser times out. Thanks!