It's for better code. Personally, I'm trying to get away from multiple return/exit paths, and practice more OOC/Eiffel-like coding (I haven't sprung for the book Object Oriented Construction yet ) and I'm not quite taking advantage of Design By Contract in my Eiffel coding yet though either. At a minimum, I would change this: function doThisAndThat($bTrueOrFalse) { if ($bTrueOrFalse) { return 'It is true'; } /* If the above is true we can be sure it's NOT true here. */ return 'It is false'; } to this: function doThisAndThat($bTrueOrFalse) { $return_value = 'It is false'; // Set your default state here. if ($bTrueOrFalse) { $return_value = 'It is true'; // Update state. } return $return_value; // Only 1 exit path. } I've also noticed that, for the most part, PHP itself codes functions_or_variables_like_this, while coming from Java, my PHP code looksLikeThis. Slightly more readable for say do_www_design versus doWWWDesign versus do_wwwd_esign for those times when you run into such names. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: