I have a form script that is not cooperating. When I fill out this form, I get the checkbox "yes", but not the checkbox "info" Also, in the message on the result page that displays, I get "Yes, send me referral Caaaaaards! at the bottom. ( I have spelled card as Ccccccard and Caaaaaard to see where they are coming from). So if(isset) for the info is not working, but the if(isset) for the yes is. I have switched positions but no change. The link to try this is http://www.paulgdesigns.com/elk/referform.inc.php Can anyone see what I am missing here? Thanks. Gary <?php $fname=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['fname']); $lname=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['lname']); $title=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['title']); $company=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['company']); $street=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['street']); $town=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['town']); $zip=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['zip']); $phone=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['phone']); $fax=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['fax']); $county=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['county']); $phone=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['phone']); $email=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['email']); $comments=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['comments']); $date=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['date']); $time=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['time']); $location=STRIPSLASHES($_POST['location']); echo "Thank you $fname for your submission!<br /><br />"; echo "You have submitted the following information.<br /><br />"; echo "Name: $fname $lname<br />"; echo "Title: $title<br />"; echo "Company: $company<br />"; echo "Address: $street $town $zip<br />"; echo "Zip: $zip<br />"; echo "Phone Number: $phone<br />"; echo "Fax Number: $fax<br />"; echo "E-Mail Address: $email<br />"; if (isset($_POST['info'])) { echo "Yes, send me information on your referral program!<br /><br />"; } if (isset($_POST['yes'])) { echo "Yes, send me referral Cccccards!<br /><br />"; } echo "$fname, we have also sent you an e-mail to $email with the submitted information as well as our contact information for your convienience. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!"; // checks if bot if ($_POST['address'] != '' ){ die("Changed field"); } /*This is the email message to submitter*/ $contact="sanitized"; $from_d="$email"; $to_d="$email"; $subject_d='Thank you from ; $msg_d="Thank you $fname for your submission, find our contact information listed for your convenience.\n\n" ."$contact\n\n" . "You have submitted the following information\n\n" . "Name: $fname $lname \n" . "Street Address: $street\n" . "Town: $town\n" . "Zip Code: $zip\n" . "Phone Number: $phone\n" . "E-Mail Address: $email\n" . "Yes, Send me referral Cards\n" . "Yes, Send me infomation on your referral program\n" ; mail($to_d, $subject_d, $msg_d, 'From:' . $from_d); /*this is to elk, y*/ $from="$email"; $to="xxx.xxxx.com"; $subject="Submission from Referral Form"; $msg= "This is a submission from elkenv.com. Please send referral cards.\n\n" . "Clients Name: $fname . $lname \n" . "Title: $title\n" . "Company Name: $company\n" . "Street Address: $street\n" . "Town:$town\n" . "Zip: $zip\n" . "Telephone: $phone\n" . "Email Address: $email\n" ; if (isset($_POST['info'])) { echo "Yes, send me information on your referral program!<br />"; } if (isset($_POST['yes'])) { echo "Yes, send me referral Caaaaaards!<br />"; } mail($to, $subject, $msg, 'From:' .$from); ?> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php