This is fairly simple to do as an http upload. With the folder above
the web root, it less if an issue since general users can't gain
access, a script can do all the interaction needed. Plus you can chown
the permissions with php
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On Jun 3, 2009, at 17:24, Lamp Lists <lamp.lists@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
to upload an image for a photo gallery (my own code) I have to have
permission for the directory images 0777.
but having permission for a directory 0777 is REALLY bad idea, isn't
I'm "owner" of the directory (lamp:lamp images).
what to do to set my code has permission to upload an image into the
images directory and have permissions on the directory 0755?
I googled for file uploader scripts and classes to se how they
handle it but I can't see that part. just file/size/type validation
and moving uploaded file to final destination.
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