tedd wrote:
At 9:43 PM +0100 5/24/09, Nathan Rixham wrote:
and now I'm questioning myself - not on the client scenario based
decisions - but on my own personal projects and things only I work
on.. why do I use a template engine? habit? some old logical decision
I made based on abstraction which somehow ruled out php (the
pre-hypertext processor) - I fear I may have implemented some false
logic at somepoint a few years ago and never gave it any more sense.
a risk of sounding like a complete dick - i wish I could unit test
myself and give myself a peer review every now and then.
might hire somebody to question every statement it make - (for some
reason Mr Sperling comes to mind - question me!)
I'm not sure what my father has to do with this (Mr Sperling), but while
I (tedd) may be good at understanding the basics of separation of
languages (many years of css), I am way below your understand of how to
use them. I also consider it a real compliment that you might seek out
my advice on such things.
As for peer review, that's what I get every time I make a post.
Sometimes I'm the windshield and sometimes I'm the bug, but I always
learn -- even when I make an ass of myself.
PS: Your post about Eclipse got me trying php/eclipse again. My only
problem is that I am used to having access to the remote (host) file
system and then picking/choosing what scripts I want to work on. Eclipse
is like a paradigm shift for me. Outside of working a single project, I
can't get my mind around how it uploads and runs remote projects. I'll
get there.
it's up to you how you organise you're workflow - don't get confused
with svn mate, you can completely ignore it, set your workspace to be
the root of your normal "sites" folder and edit the files in eclipse
then simply ftp them up and down as normal :) feel free to completely
forget all the project template stuff, unit testing, svn, phpdoc and all
of that - ultimately eclipse is better than a text editor and beats
dreamweaver code view hands down - that's without using even basic tools
like the debugger.
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