At 12:01 AM +0100 5/24/09, Nathan Rixham wrote:
LinuxManMikeC wrote:
I was recently researching template engines for a small in-house
project, with a bias toward simple and lightweight. I found this
interesting article in my search. I think its worth considering if
you don't need all the bells and whistles of the big template engines.
Simple and elegant.
cheers, it certainly is simple and elegant - however a bit too
simple (specifically as it's in template php); gives me immediate
visions of a wordpress template - and that's more than enough to
scare me off! <lol>
Anytime I see embedded style elements within html, that's more than
ample warning to make me look elsewhere for the solution -- because
IMO that's not a solution.
I find it interesting that the articles states "the separation of
business logic from presentation" but then combines content with
presentation. I don't see any real gain here.
My efforts are always trying to separate content from function and
presentation. Make everything as unobtrusive as you can. Place
styling in remote css, client-side javascript enhancements
unobtrusively, and use server-side php/mysql to create secure and
accurate function to generate the proper html and deliver desired
content. I can understand someone wanting to simplify their work, but
exchanging one problem for another doesn't cut it for me.
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