Re: <table>-less layouts; Ideas welcome

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2009/5/21 Jim Lucas <lists@xxxxxxxxx>

> Jim Lucas wrote:
>> Since this has been a topic of dicussion, I figured I would add my
>> thoughts.
>> I have been toying with the idea of doing a <table>-less layouts involving
>> tabular data, calendars, etc...
>> Recent threads have finally made me do it.  Let me know what you think.
>> (source for
>> above)
>> When you turn off the styles, the calendar becomes pretty rough on the
>> eyes, but still "accessible".
>> Same thing with the tabular data structure.
>> But, not knowing how the various types of accessibility applications work,
>> I am guessing that the layout to an application trying to read it should
>> work fairly well.  Let me know if I am way off the mark with my thoughts.
>> If you want to respond off list, that if fine by me.
>> TIA
> I forgot to mention that I have checked this in the following browsers all
> on Windows XP SP3
>        IE6
>        Mozilla Firefox
>        Mozilla Firefox 3.0.10
>        Safari 4 Public Beta
>        Opera 9.64
> the layout looked exactly the same between all the various browsers.
> If you have a different browser then mentioned above and you have a
> different layout let me know. If you could get me a screen shot, that would
> be great.
> Thank again.
> --
> Jim Lucas
>   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
>       and some have greatness thrust upon them."
> Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
>    by William Shakespeare
> --
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But you're just using the same design semantic, but coding it in CSS instead
of using <table>; it even has the same name!

There appears to be nothing wrong with tables when used for the right
reasons - they _are_ there for a reason.

Luke Slater

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