Here's a handy little routine I just wrote to suggest properties you're trying to erroneously set that don't exist in a class. For example: Attempted to __get() non-existant property/variable 'operator_id' in class 'User'. checking for operator and suggesting the following: * id_operator * operator_name * operator_code enjoy. /** * Suggests alternative properties should a __get() or __set() fail * * @param string $property * @return string * @author Daevid Vincent [daevid@xxxxxxxxxx] * @date 05/12/09 * @see __get(), __set(), __call() */ public function suggest_alternative($property) { $parts = explode('_',$property); foreach($parts as $i => $p) if ($p == '_' || $p == 'id') unset($parts[$i]); echo 'checking for <b>'.implode(', ',$parts)."</b> and suggesting the following:<br/>\n"; echo "<ul>"; foreach($this as $key => $value) foreach($parts as $p) if (stripos($key, $p) !== false) print '<li>'.$key."</li>\n"; echo "</ul>"; } just put it in your __get() or __set() like so: public function __get($property) { echo "<p><font color='#ff0000'>Attempted to __get() non-existant property/variable '".$property."' in class '".$this->get_class_name()."'.</font><p>\n"; $this->suggest_alternative($property); exit; } -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: