RHEL5/PHP 5.1.6
I'm having some trouble getting the Fileinfo package working. It
installed fine, and phpinfo() says it's enabled. But it consistently
returns an empty string when getting the MIME of a file.
/usr/share/pear/bin/pecl install fileinfo
vi /etc/php.d/fileinfo.ini
ln -s /usr/share/file/magic /etc/magic.mime
The code:
define('FINFO_PATH', '/usr/share/file/magic');
$fi = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME, FINFO_PATH);
$type = $fi->file($file_path);
$type is always empty. And, yes, the path to the file is good.
This works fine on the dev box (PHP 5.2.6). Unfortunately, the
decision to use RHEL5 for production was out of my hands and I'm stuck
with this older version. At least, I'm thinking it might be due to
that. I didn't see anything in the manual about it, though.
I did come across a post[1] online about doing file conversions where
the guy mentions rolling an upgrade to 5.2.4 for RHEL5 but wasn't
specific as to whether it was necessary to get Fileinfo to work at
all. I might try using that upgrade but thought I'd do a sanity check
here first. Any other reason it'd be returning nothing?
Is fileinfo pecl extension installed as a package or with pecl? In case
it is installed as an rpm try to remove it and install it as an
extension in case the package is broken for some reason.
Have in mind that you will need the magic_open library for this to work.
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