I need to know the best way to dynamically watermark images via gd.
This is an example of what I currently have:
That's using Lucida Mono. A really nice monospace font (very similar to
Apple's Monaco), the font I like to use in text editors, but perhaps not
the best font for watermarking.
This is an example of a much better watermark:
I'm not sure what font that is (anyone know ??) but that site looks like
it somehow adds a black border around the font, making the watermark
much better.
With mine, on certain backgrounds the watermark has to moved from one
corner to another or the color has to be changed in order for it to
properly show.
That site is also coded in php so I'm guessing that the watermark is
added using a php technology.
Can someone enlighten me on how that is done?
Also, while not php related, could someone enlighten me of a really good
font to use for watermarking images?
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