Ashley Sheridan wrote:
content coming from MS Office clipboard pastes generally contain characters that are encoded wrong, and do not display correctly in web pages unless they have very relaxed doctypes. The function I generally use is: function removeMSCrap($crap) { $find = Array(chr(128), chr(133), chr(8226), chr(145), chr(8217), chr(146), chr(8220), chr(147), chr(8221), chr(148), chr(8226), chr(149), chr(8211), chr(150), chr(8212), chr(151), chr(8282), chr(153), chr(169), chr(174)); $replace = Array("€", "…", "″", "'", "'", "'", "'", """, """, """, """, "•", "•", "–", "–", "—", "—", "™", "™", "©", "®"); $roses = str_replace($find, $replace, $crap); return $roses; }
Is that something you would suggest be used in any web app that has a textarea for input?
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