Re: elseif statements

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This just keeps getting weirder, the results change sometimes even when the 
same info is entered..

This is the revised code (after some helpful hints from some readers)

Anyone help, I am supposed to show this tomorrow to client.



// checks if bot
   if ($_POST['address'] != '' ){
exit("Changed field");



/*$correct_assess=($sale_value)*($ratio); this is now the assessment should 
be */


/*  $assess_difference=($assess_value)-($sale_value * $ratio);


if($_COOKIE['county_cookie'] ==('Chester County') && 
($chester_assess_difference >=50000))

echo '<h2 style="margin:0;color:#ff0000;">Yes, Your property appears to 
qualify!</h2><br /><br />';
echo "You 1 believe your home would today sell for <b> 
$".number_format($sale_value)." </b><br />";
echo "Your current tax assessment is<b> 
$".number_format($assess_value)."</b><br />";
echo "You live in <b>$county </b><br />";
echo "Your potential savings could be<b> " 
.number_format($chester_percent_savings,0)."%</b><br /><br />";
echo "According to preliminary calculations based on the information you 
have entered, you may enjoy a savings of  <b> 
".number_format($chester_percent_savings,0)."% </b>off a combined total of 
county, school and township real estate taxes. Actual dollar amount savings 
will differ depending on the township that the property is located.  Please 
contact my office for a more precise estimate of savings.<br />";


elseif($_COOKIE['county_cookie']==('Delaware County') && 
($delco_assess_difference >=30000)) {

echo '<h2 style="margin:0;color:#ff0000;">Yes, Your property appears to 
qualify!</h2><br /><br />';
echo "You 2 believe your home would today sell for <b> 
$".number_format($sale_value)." </b><br />";
echo "Your current tax assessment is<b> 
$".number_format($assess_value)."</b><br />";
echo "You live in <b>$county </b><br />";
echo "Your potential savings could be<b> " 
.number_format($delco_percent_savings,0)."%</b><br /><br />";
echo "According to preliminary calculations based on the information you 
have entered, you may enjoy a savings of  <b> 
".number_format($delco_percent_savings,0)."% </b>off a combined total of 
county, school and township real estate taxes. Actual dollar amount savings 
will differ depending on the township that the property is located.  Please 
contact my office for a more precise estimate of savings.<br />";
elseif($_COOKIE['county_cookie']==('Montgomery County') && 
($montco_assess_difference >=50000))

echo '<h2 style="margin:0;color:#ff0000;">Yes, Your property appears to 
qualify!</h2><br /><br />';
echo "You 3 believe your home would today sell for <b> 
$".number_format($sale_value)." </b><br />";
echo "Your current tax assessment is<b> 
$".number_format($assess_value)."</b><br />";
echo "You live in <b>$county </b><br />";
echo "Your potential savings could be<b> " 
.number_format($montco_percent_savings,0)."%</b><br /><br />";
echo "According to preliminary calculations based on the information you 
have entered, you may enjoy a savings of  <b> 
".number_format($montco_percent_savings,0)."% </b>off a combined total of 
county, school and township real estate taxes. Actual dollar amount savings 
will differ depending on the township that the property is located.  Please 
contact my office for a more precise estimate of savings.<br />";

elseif(($chester_assess_difference <=50000) && 
($chester_assess_difference>=1000)) {
echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">While it appears you may enjoy some savings, the 
dollar amount may not reach the threshold required for action. If property 
values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit this issue 
again next year.</h3><br /><br />';
elseif(($delco_assess_difference <=30000) && 
($delco_assess_difference>=1000)) {
echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">While it appears you may enjoy some savings, the 
dollar amount may not reach the threshold required for action. If property 
values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit this issue 
again next year.</h3><br /><br />';
elseif(($montco_assess_difference <=50000) && 
($montco_assess_difference>=1000)) {
echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">While it appears you may enjoy some savings, the 
dollar amount may not reach the threshold required for action. If property 
values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit this issue 
again next year.</h3><br /><br />';
elseif(isset($chester_assess_difference) <=1000){
echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">NO, Your property does not appear to qualify. If 
property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit 
this issue again next year. </h3><br /><br />';
elseif(isset($delco_assess_difference) <=1000){
echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">NO, Your property does not appear to qualify. If 
property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit 
this issue again next year. </h3><br /><br />';
elseif(isset($montco_assess_difference) <=1000){
echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">NO, Your property does not appear to qualify. If 
property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit 
this issue again next year. </h3><br /><br />';

echo "chester $chester_ratio .''. $chester_correct_assess .''. 
echo "montco $montco_ratio.''. $montco_correct_assess .''. 
$montco_percent_savings<br />";
echo "delco $delco_ratio .''. $delco_correct_assess.''. 
$delco_percent_savings<br />";

echo "$county";

""Gary"" <gwpaul@xxxxxxx> wrote in message 
>I am trying to get this to work, however it only reads the second if 
>statement.  I get no error messages, but as I change counties, the % stays 
>the same.
> Can someone enlighten me, or should I be looking at switch statements?
> Thanks for your help.
> Gary
> <?php
> $_SESSION['sale_session']=$_POST['sale'];
> $_SESSION['assess_session']=$_POST['assess'];
> $_SESSION['county_session']=$_POST['county'];
> // checks if bot
>   if ($_POST['address'] != '' ){
> exit("Changed field");
>    }
> $sale_value=$_POST['sale'];
> $assess_value=$_POST['assess'];
> $county=$_POST['county'];
> $chester_ratio=.51;
> $montco_ratio=.53;
> $delco_ratio=.58;
> /*$ratio=.51;
> /*$correct_assess=($sale_value)*($ratio); this is now the assessment 
> should be */
> $chester_correct_assess=($sale_value)*($chester_ratio);
> $montco_correct_assess=($sale_value)*($montco_ratio);
> $delco_correct_assess=($sale_value)*($delco_ratio);
> $chester_assess_difference=($assess_value)-($chester_correct_assess);
> $montco_assess_difference=($assess_value)-($montco_correct_assess);
> $delco_assess_difference=($assess_value)-($delco_correct_assess);
> /*  $assess_difference=($assess_value)-($sale_value * $ratio);
> $percent_difference=($assess_difference)/($assess_value);*/
> $chester_percent_difference=($chester_assess_difference)/($assess_value);
> $delco_percent_difference=($delco_assess_difference)/($assess_value);
> $montco_percent_difference=($montco_assess_difference)/($assess_value);
> $chester_percent_savings=($chester_percent_difference)*100;
> $delco_percent_savings=($delco_percent_difference)*100;
> $montco_percent_savings=($montco_percent_difference)*100;
> if(($_COOKIE['county_cookie'] ='Chester') && ($chester_assess_difference
> >=50000))
> {
> echo '<h2 style="margin:0;color:#ff0000;">Yes, Your property appears to 
> qualify!</h2><br /><br />';
> echo "You 1 believe your home would today sell for <b> 
> $".number_format($sale_value)." </b><br />";
> echo "Your current tax assessment is<b> 
> $".number_format($assess_value)."</b><br />";
> echo "You live in <b>$county </b><br />";
> echo "Your potential savings could be<b> " 
> .number_format($chester_percent_savings,0)."%</b><br /><br />";
> echo "According to preliminary calculations based on the information you 
> have entered, you may enjoy a savings of  <b> 
> ".number_format($chester_percent_savings,0)."% </b>off a combined total of 
> county, school and township real estate taxes. Actual dollar amount 
> savings will differ depending on the township that the property is 
> located.  Please contact my office for a more precise estimate of 
> savings.<br />";
> }
> elseif(($_COOKIE['county_cookie']='Delaware') && ($delco_assess_difference
> >=30000)) {
> echo '<h2 style="margin:0;color:#ff0000;">Yes, Your property appears to 
> qualify!</h2><br /><br />';
> echo "You 2 believe your home would today sell for <b> 
> $".number_format($sale_value)." </b><br />";
> echo "Your current tax assessment is<b> 
> $".number_format($assess_value)."</b><br />";
> echo "You live in <b>$county </b><br />";
> echo "Your potential savings could be<b> " 
> .number_format($delco_percent_savings,0)."%</b><br /><br />";
> echo "According to preliminary calculations based on the information you 
> have entered, you may enjoy a savings of  <b> 
> ".number_format($delco_percent_savings,0)."% </b>off a combined total of 
> county, school and township real estate taxes. Actual dollar amount 
> savings will differ depending on the township that the property is 
> located.  Please contact my office for a more precise estimate of 
> savings.<br />";
> }
> elseif(($_COOKIE['county_cookie']='Montgomery') && 
> ($montco_assess_difference >=50000))
> {
> echo '<h2 style="margin:0;color:#ff0000;">Yes, Your property appears to 
> qualify!</h2><br /><br />';
> echo "You 3 believe your home would today sell for <b> 
> $".number_format($sale_value)." </b><br />";
> echo "Your current tax assessment is<b> 
> $".number_format($assess_value)."</b><br />";
> echo "You live in <b>$county </b><br />";
> echo "Your potential savings could be<b> " 
> .number_format($montco_percent_savings,0)."%</b><br /><br />";
> echo "According to preliminary calculations based on the information you 
> have entered, you may enjoy a savings of  <b> 
> ".number_format($montco_percent_savings,0)."% </b>off a combined total of 
> county, school and township real estate taxes. Actual dollar amount 
> savings will differ depending on the township that the property is 
> located.  Please contact my office for a more precise estimate of 
> savings.<br />";
> }
> else if(($chester_assess_difference <=50000) && 
> ($chester_assess_difference>=1000)) {
> echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">While it appears you may enjoy some savings, 
> the dollar amount may not reach the threshold required for action. If 
> property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit 
> this issue again next year.</h3><br /><br />';
> }
> else if(($delco_assess_difference <=30000) && 
> ($delco_assess_difference>=1000)) {
> echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">While it appears you may enjoy some savings, 
> the dollar amount may not reach the threshold required for action. If 
> property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit 
> this issue again next year.</h3><br /><br />';
> }
> else if(($montco_assess_difference <=50000) && 
> ($montco_assess_difference>=1000)) {
> echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">While it appears you may enjoy some savings, 
> the dollar amount may not reach the threshold required for action. If 
> property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to revisit 
> this issue again next year.</h3><br /><br />';
> }
> else if(isset($chester_assess_difference) <=1000){
> echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">NO, Your property does not appear to qualify. 
> If property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to 
> revisit this issue again next year. </h3><br /><br />';
> }
> else if(isset($delco_assess_difference) <=1000){
> echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">NO, Your property does not appear to qualify. 
> If property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to 
> revisit this issue again next year. </h3><br /><br />';
> }
> else if(isset($montco_assess_difference) <=1000){
> echo '<h3 style="margin:0;">NO, Your property does not appear to qualify. 
> If property values in your area continue to decline, you may wish to 
> revisit this issue again next year. </h3><br /><br />';
> }
> /*This is just a test to see which one is being displayed*/
> echo "chester $chester_ratio .''. $chester_correct_assess .''. 
> $chester_percent_savings<br/>";
> echo "montco $montco_ratio.''. $montco_correct_assess .''. 
> $montco_percent_savings<br />";
> echo "delco $delco_ratio .''. $delco_correct_assess.''. 
> $delco_percent_savings";
> ?>

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