tedd wrote:
At 9:40 AM +0100 4/27/09, Richard Heyes wrote:
I know it's probably heresy for a lot of coders, but does anyone know a
function or class or regexp or somesuch which will scan through a PHP
file and convert all the CamelCase code into proper C-type code? That
is, "CamelCase" gets converted to "camel_case". I snagged a bunch of
someone else's PHP code I'd like to modify, but it's coded the wrong
way, so I'd like to fix it.
(I'm teasing you CamelCase people. But I really would like to change
this code around, because it doesn't happen to be my preference.)
I'd say, if you must, then change as you go. If you do it all in a
oner you'll likely introduce a shed load of problems.
Richard Heyes
Not only that. but it you leave each function alone until you work on
it, then you'll have at least some indication of where/when an error has
been introduced.
Many time when I'm using a piece of code that isn't formatted as I like,
I first get it to work as I want changing only the functions that I must
change. After everything is working, I then step through the code,
reformat, and change in small steps.
whereas I'd say it shouldn't be a problem to do automatically (but will
be); just only use a tokenizer and not any form of regex or str_replace
etc, that way you can be sure you are ONLY changing classes, methods,
functions, function calls, variables etc
you still may have some problems with any call_user_func or string
references though!
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