I have a function within a class. There is a variable inside that
function which I need to access & use outside of the class/function.
For example ...
Class Test {
function showOutput {
if ($this->url) {
$justTT = substr($this->url,-10,7);
echo $justTT;
I need to use $justTT. How do I get the value of $justTT into a
different variable outside of this class/function so I can use it in a
different class?
Rahul S. Johari
Supervisor, Internet & Administration
Informed Sources, Inc.
[Email] rahul@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[Web] https://www.informed-sources.com
[Phone] 518-687-6700 Ext: 154
[Fax] 518-687-6799
Rahul Sitaram Johari
Founder, Internet Architects Group, Inc.
[Email] sleepwalker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[Web] http://www.rahulsjohari.com
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