Suggestion on faster solutions for extremely large database. $ledip['started'] = '2009-04-01 13:40:34'; Example time in DB $ledip['touchedlast'] = '2009-04-01 13:41:28'; Example time in DB date('i:s', strtotime($ledip['touchedlast']) - strtotime($ledip['started'])); // Not a desired solution because of its inability to go past the minute correctly I AM AWARE. or concat( truncate( hour( timediff($ledip['touchedlast'],$ledip['started']) ) /24, 0 ) , " days ", hour( timediff($ledip['touchedlast'],$ledip['started']) ) %24, " hours ", minute( timediff($ledip['touchedlast'],$ledip['started'] ) ) , " minutes ", second( timediff($ledip['touchedlast'],$ledip['started'] ) ) , " seconds" ) as timeleft The results of concat truncate, allows me the flexibility or exacting time differences out past the minute. I am worried that the vastness of the database may cause me a server load or query timeframes that are undesirable as it grows even bigger. Suggestions? ********* PLEASE .... Do not reply to this email with your 9 million page thought of how to, or some custom function that you think is all that, I do not care. I am asking for load desired results NOT your take on my code… -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: