Michael A. Peters wrote:
With respect to templating systems, I don't use them but if you have a
DOMDocument orientated template system, I don't see why it couldn't do
the same thing -
As an experiment, I took one of my pages that was a little sluggish due
to lots of database calls (sluggish on my home machine anyway) - since
the database content rarely changes for the data presented, I made a
page I can grab nightly in cron that spits out just the main content div
where all the DB calls are made.
$cached = 'species_cache.php';
$SL = file_get_contents($cached);
$SDOM = new DOMDocument("1.0","UTF-8");
$elements = $SDOM->getElementsByTagName("div");
$imported_div = $elements->item(0);
$contentDiv = $myxhtml->importNode($imported_div,true);
is just a text file with a div and all it's children.
Sped up the page considerably on my home machine, and works spledidly
regardless of whether or not I am sending it as html or xhtml.
So I think my technique would work with template systems.
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