Hello everyone,
i have an issue with stream_set_timeout and ssl.
I've written a php irc newsbot and my code looks like this:
while (!feof($con['socket']))
I need this timeout because i want to read the news every X seconds from
the Database.
I use
$con['buffer'] = trim(fgets($con['socket'], 4096));
to get the data. If i don't use the stream_set_timeout the bot would
wait until it recieves data.
In fact this solution works, but only if i connect with fsockopen to a
non ssl connection.
If i use a ssl connection steam_set_timeout seems to be ignored.
Any clues or workarounds?
PS: You can download the whole code on
http://muzybot.de/phpircbot.tar.gz or http://muzybot.de/phpircbot.zip
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