I have this script that is no longer working to upload files, it goes thru the motions and says the file is uploaded but then there is NO file in the ArtWork folder.... any ideas? if ($_FILES) { for ($x=0; $x < 15; $x++) { if (is_uploaded_file ($_FILES['Artwork']['tmp_name'][$x])) { $ImageExt = strtolower(end(explode('.', $_FILES['Artwork']['name'][$x]))); $ImageName = $_FILES['Artwork']['name'][$x]; $ImageSize = $_FILES['Artwork']['size'][$x]; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['Artwork']['tmp_name'][$x]); $sql = "INSERT INTO images (ImageDate, ArtID, AdminID, ImageName, ImageType, ImageType2, ImageSize, ImageHeight, "; $sql .= "ImageWidth, ImageAttr, Notes) VALUES (NOW(), '$ArtID', '$AdminID', '$ImageName', '$ImageExt',"; $sql .= " '$type', '$ImageSize', '$height', '$width', '$attr', '$Notes2')"; mysql_query ($sql); $ImageID = mysql_insert_id(); $uploadfile = "../../Artwork/". $ArtID ."_". $ImageID .".". $ImageExt; move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Artwork']['tmp_name'][$x], $uploadfile); chmod($uploadfile, 0666); } } } Thanks Terion Happy Freecycling Free the List !! www.freecycle.org Over Moderation of Freecycle List Prevents Post Timeliness. Report Moderator Abuse Here: http://www.freecycle.org/faq/faq/contact-info Or Email Your Complaint to: faq@xxxxxxxxxxxxx or info@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------------------ Twitter? http://twitter.com/terionmiller ------------------------------------------------ Facebook: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/people/Terion-Miller/1542024891" title="Terion Miller's Facebook profile" target=_TOP><img src=" http://badge.facebook.com/badge/1542024891.237.919247960.png" border=0 alt="Terion Miller's Facebook profile"></a>