Jochem Maas wrote:
Olivier Doucet schreef:
Hi Jochem,
2/ (or/and) Raise a warning or an error if a non static function is
as a static one
develop with error_reporting set to E_ALL | E_STRICT, then you'll get a big
warning about it
Yes, that's what I'm using right now. Although, that's not the highlighted
if your not gettting a 'Strict Warning' when calling a non-static method statically
then error_reporting doesn't include E_STRICT. I tested this with your example code on
the cmdline to make sure.
the pragmatic solution is to not call non-static functions using
static syntax.
Well, this is the answer I didn't want :)
I here that alot :-)
Thank you for your feedback !
poor internal developers, they do have a tough job
the message is pretty clear:
"Strict Standards: Non-static method MyTest::myfunc() should not be
called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in.."
but the functionality is pretty weird, took me a while to get my head
around.. until i came up with the scenario:
"what if this 'error' halted the compiler and threw a proper error"
then I imagined the massive outcry from the developers of millions of
poorly coded scripts
then I remembered php 4 and ran this:
class MyTest {
function myfunc() {
echo get_class($this);
class MySecondTest {
function test() {
$test = new MySecondTest();
$test->test(); //output: "MySecondTest"
and it all became clear
mental though, part of me wishes they'd forked php at 4 to save all the
lame syntax and weirdness.
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