Dear Rob,
The default value of expect.timeout is 10 (minutes), which
is what I would get if I don't do any ini_set(). I could
set the value to 0 but not to any values.
What do you mean by "inaccessible at runtime"? I could set
another related parameter expect.logfile to, say,
"/tmp/tmp" (as reported by phpinfo()).
This problem looks like a bug to me. I will be most
grateful if someone can try out the test program on their
site. Thanks in advance!
Robert Cummings wrote:
On Tue, 2009-03-03 at 14:49 -0500, Clement Yui-Wah Lee wrote:
Dear friends,
I am still hoping to get an answer to this question (see
below). Kindly please see if you can run the test on your site.
Any insight is very much welcome!
Clement Yui-Wah Lee wrote:
Apparently I can't set the value for expect.timeout to any values other
than 0 (the default is 10). Can someone try the following script and
see if you see the same problem as me? My php is 5.1.6, php-expect is
0.2.4, the platform is a Redhat Enterprise Linux 5.3
Test method:
1. Drop the following script onto your php server machine (use a
different ini_set() line in each successive test).
2. Use a browser to execute the script and see what phpinfo() would
return the value for expect.timeout (and expect.logfile)
// ini_set("expect.timeout", "0"); // This worked
// ini_set("expect.timeout", 0); // This worked
Are you sure this isn't just the default value before you attempted an
ini_set()? It may be that expect.timeout is not accessible at runtime.
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