I have two queries one pulls out which users to use and the second pulls those users orders.... Looks something like this but is only pulling the first record: $query = "SELECT `UserName`, `AdminID` FROM admin WHERE Key1 = 'YES' "; $result = mysql_query ($query) ; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); //Reveal Variables for Debugging // include("VariableReveal2.php"); echo ("Hello <br>"); //echo $row['AdminID']; echo ($row['UserName']); if ($row['Key1'] == "NO") { header ("Location: Welcome.php?AdminID=$AdminID&msg=Sorry, you do not have access to that page."); } if (isset($_GET['SortBy'])) {$SortBy = $_GET['SortBy'];} else {$SortBy = 'WorkOrderID DESC';} if (isset($_GET['Page'])) {$Page = $_GET['Page'];} else {$Page = 1;} $PerPage = 30; $StartPage = ($Page - 1) * $PerPage; second query here is using the $row from the first (and yes I know not to use *, just did so here to keep post shorter) $sql= "SELECT * FROM workorders WHERE AdminID = '".$row['AdminID']."' "; // $sql .= "ORDER BY $SortBy LIMIT $StartPage, $PerPage"; $result = mysql_query ($sql); $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $Total = ceil(mysql_num_rows($result)/$PerPage); So this works but only half way as it only displays the first record in the table. Thanks Terion Happy Freecycling Free the List !! www.freecycle.org Over Moderation of Freecycle List Prevents Post Timeliness. ------------------------------------------------ Twitter? http://twitter.com/terionmiller ------------------------------------------------ Facebook: <a href="http://www.facebook.com/people/Terion-Miller/1542024891" title="Terion Miller's Facebook profile" target=_TOP><img src=" http://badge.facebook.com/badge/1542024891.237.919247960.png" border=0 alt="Terion Miller's Facebook profile"></a> Groucho Marx - "I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."