Hi all! The following code seems like it should be open to session
fixation attacks, but is not. Why?!
This is the beginning of the private page...
if (!isset($_SESSION['user']))
header("Location: http://[address of login page]?requestedpage=[token
for this page]");
If an attacker caused a known user to request the above page with ?
PHPSESSID=1234, the session_start would then register 1234 as the
current session
This is from the login page...
if($_POST['[a posted form var]'])
// check submitted credentials against known users
$status = authenticate(...);
// if user/pass combination is correct
if ($status == 1)
// initiate a session
// register some session variables
$_SESSION['XXXXXX] = filter($_POST['XX']);
// redirect to protected page
header("Location: ...[requested page]);
When the user logged in above, the session_start would use the session
cookie from the first session_start above and have a validated session
with an SID known to the attacker.
However, the top snippet does not cause an SID to be recorded in a
cookie, but the bottom one does. Hence, the attack is prevented, but
Thanks, cheers!
- Sean
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