'Twas brillig, and PJ at 16/02/09 19:57 did gyre and gimble:
1. Do we really need the statements - $result1 = mysql_query($sql1,
$db); ? Why? What purpose do they serve?
These statements send your SQL to the server. Without them you are just
assigning and SQL command to a variable.... so they are really rather
important :p
2. How can one use "mysql_insert_id()" to insert data into multiple
tables? Why would you need to insert an id - especially since there are
only 2 fields in the pulblishers table (above) - id (auto-increment) and
publishers? As I ;understand it, when the id field is auto-increment, a
INSERT INTO publishers (publisher) VALUES ('$publisherIN') works fine (but not above)
Can somebody suggest anything? TIA
Short answer, you can't! It's not what it's for!
You have to do your insert first (with mysql_query() as you did above),
and then call $my_generated_id = mysql_insert_id(); This will fill the
variable $my_generated_id with the value of the auto_increment field in
your table from the last call to mysql_query with an INSERT statement.
Also, you are possibly running risks above if you do not properly escape
your variables:
e.g. You have:
$sql1 = "INSERT INTO authors (first_name, last_name) VALUES
('$first_nameIN', '$last_nameIN')";
Your examples do not show where the values came from but if it's
directly from a form post or similar, if I put the value:
'blah','blah'); DELETE FROM authors;
The query generated could be:
INSERT INTO authors(firstname,lastname) VALUES ('blah','blah'); DELETE
FROM authors;.....
Obviously this is a massive security risk and is generally referred to
as "SQL Injection Attacks".
You should look into using the function mysql_real_escape_string() to
escape all your inputs.
Colin Guthrie
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