I am completely baffled by this.
I have a PHP script that is using Cameron Hinkle's
LightweightPicasaAPIv3 to authenticate with the Google Picasa service
using the AuthSub method.
Basically, if we're not authenticated, redirect to the google authsub
This page requests that the user either grant access or deny access.
Grant access takes us to the URL specified (my authentication script)
with a ?token=xxxxx added to the end of the URL.
This all works. We get back to my URL with ?token=xxxxx appended to
the URL.
That's when it starts getting weirder than anything I've seen in PHP:
My debugging output confirms that:
1. $_SERVER['request_method'] = GET
2. strlen($_GET['token']) = 0
3. $_GET - array()...but it's empty!
4. $_REQUEST[] contains no 'token' element
5. echo($_GET['token']) prints the value of ?token= from the URL
My code:
Note the comments inside/around the try/catch statement inside the if
WTF? This evaluates to false...or seems to anyway. Code that is inside
it's if{} statement does not execute.
if(strlen($_GET['token']) > 0)
But then, other code that IS in it's if{} statement DOES execute...and
the $_GET['token'] that has a 0 strlen in the if() statement now echos
as a 16 character string!
if(strlen($_GET['token']) > 0) {
// evaluates ???...
$firephp->info('got a token: ' . $_GET['token']); #this
doesn't happen
echo ('echo $_GET[\'token\'] output: ' . $_GET['token']);
#this doesn't happen
// try to authenticate with it
# this try/catch block DOES NOT happen!
$token = $pic->authorizeWithAuthSub($_GET['token']);
$firephp->info('running authorizeWithAuthSub() with
token: ' . $_GET['token']);
$firephp->info('there we go...authenticated!');
$firephp->info('token :' . $pic->getAuthToken());
echo 'inside try/catch :' . $_GET['token']; #this
echo statement inside the try/catch DOES happen...WTF!?
} catch (Picasa_Exception_FailedAuthorizationException $e){
$firephp->log($e, 'error');
} else {
, 1);
Anyone have ANY idea what's going on?
John Corry
email: jcorry@xxxxxxxxx