This is a very common issue. I searched and found many sites talking about this. but no good solution. Well the problem is I want to set my session will expire after 10 minutes of inactivity. Just like an banking site. When user is inactive for 10 minutes the session will expire. In fact the browser will delete the cookie. The browser will delete the cookie because it was told by the server. I used these lines session_cache_expire(APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT); session_set_cookie_params(APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT*60); ini_set("session.gc_maxlifetime", APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT * 60); session_start(); It runs at the very beginning of my application. APP_SESSION_TIMEOUT has value 10 which is in minutes. The problem is it works good in FF3. But not in IE. Any Idea how to resolve it? or any standard way to fix it? -- Blog: Follow me: -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: