You can do raw SQL queries with ORM as well, at least in symfony ;). An ORM makes other, rather trivial queries a whole lot easier though and a framework like symfony makes development of generic requirements a lot faster and cleaner. On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 4:07 AM, altern <altern@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > Hello, guys. Could please someone recommend me component wiritten in PHP > which makes financial calculations with predefined logic? I have DB with > sales information in several tables and I need to implement business logic > that includes many rules of charging, different interest rates and so on. I > need some example at least. It seems to me that I'm trying to reinvent a > wheel. Design patterns have not helped me yet. I even do not know in where > should I look to find example implementation. > > To describe better what I mean, I will show one of the terrible SQL that is > used to calculate some numbers in loop during further traversing: > > SELECT r.CODE, > r.ORDER_NUM, > r.REG_DATE, > r.ORDER_EMAIL, > r.STATUS, > r.PRICE, > r.BILLING_PERCENT, > r.REGISTRATOR_PERCENT, > r.REFUND_DATE, > IF(r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT > 0, c.CANCEL_FEE * (1 - > r.BILLING_PERCENT/100 > - r.REGISTRATOR_PERCENT/100 - r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT/100), > c.CANCEL_FEE) as CANCEL_FEE, > IF(r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT > 0, c.REFUND_FEE * (1 - > r.BILLING_PERCENT/100 > - r.REGISTRATOR_PERCENT/100 - r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT/100), > c.REFUND_FEE) as REFUND_FEE, > IF(r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT > 0, COALESCE(r.REFUND_FEE, > c.CHARGEBACK_FEE) > * (1 - r.BILLING_PERCENT/100 - r.REGISTRATOR_PERCENT/100 - > r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT/100), > COALESCE(r.REFUND_FEE, c.CHARGEBACK_FEE)) as CHARGEBACK_FEE, > c.PERSON_LOGIN as CLIENT, > r.ORDER_NAME, > r.ORDER_NUM, > r.ORDER_EMAIL, > r.PRICE*(1 - r.BILLING_PERCENT/100 - r.REGISTRATOR_PERCENT/100 - > IF(r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT IS NOT NULL, r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT/100, > 0)) > as INCOME, > r.PRICE*(1 - r.REGISTRATOR_PERCENT/100) as REGISTRATOR_SUM, > r.PRICE*r.BILLING_PERCENT/100 as BILLING_INCOME, > r.REFUND_TYPE, > r.MIDDLE_CONTRACT_PERCENT FROM SOFT_REG r, > SOFT_CONTRACT c, > SOFT_PRODUCT p > WHERE > p.CODE=r.PRODUCT_CODE > AND p.CONTRACT_CODE=c.CODE > AND c.CODE=5 > AND r.REG_DATE >= '2008-08-01 00:00:00' > AND r.REG_DATE <= '2008-08-02 23:59:59' > > After querying this sql many other things happen to get specific results on > my page. Results of this (and other similar queries) are used in several > places on the same page. I'm totally confused with all this stuff and > barely > can make the code do what I want. One of the problems is that there are > even > no unit-tests to keep code tested on regressions. I make conclusion that I > need separate component with object-oriented API to have possibility of > running unit tests and to have logically structured code, which I could > work > with without confusion. > > ORM usage is not a solution. It would just complexify what I already have > because sometimes too many tables are joining together. But again, I don't > know what idea I can start with to manage all this. > > Thanks in advance. Any suggestions will be appreciated. > -- > View this message in context: > > Sent from the PHP - General mailing list archive at > > > -- > PHP General Mailing List ( > To unsubscribe, visit: > > -- Tim-Hinnerk Heuer -- Web Design, Hosting and free Linux Support