Hiya everyone, I would like to present users to our internal intranet with a link to download a file from a folder on a different machine on our local network (such as \\computername\folder\file) The file may be an HTML file, in which case the page should show in the browser, or a file which requires saving to the user's local machine, and which may be very big. In IE, I could do something simple like <a href='file://computername/folder/file.html'>click here</a> But Firefox doesn't like doing this, for security reasons I think. I was wondering whether there was a PHP solution. I have looked into fopen() and fread() but not sure if this will help me. I would like to hide all the working behind a form button so as to also mask the download location, but that should be easy enough to do once I get the basics working. Any ideas? Thanks, Jon.