Re: Will not report errors what can I do

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Terion Miller wrote:
> Hey everyone I am still fighting the same problem that my script isn't
> working and its not reporting errors, when you click to "view" the work
> order it doesn't do anything, I have all kinds of error reporting turned on
> but nothing, do I have them syntax wrong?
> <?php
> include("inc/dbconn_open.php");
> error_reporting(E_ALL);
>  ini_set('display_errors', '1');

This is boolean, it should be ini_set('display_errors', 1);

>  error_log("errors.txt");
> if (empty($_SESSION['AdminLogin']) OR $_SESSION['AdminLogin'] <> 'OK' ){
>     header ("Location: LogOut.php");
> }
> if (isset($_GET['AdminID']) && !empty($_GET['AdminID'])){
>     $AdminID = $_GET['AdminID'];
> } else {
>     header ("Location: LogOut.php");
> }
>     $query = "SELECT ViewAllWorkOrders FROM admin WHERE AdminID='$AdminID'";
>     $result = mysql_query ($query);

Not the best solution, but add this to the above line...

$result = mysql_query ($query) or die(mysql_error());

>     $row = mysql_fetch_object ($result);

This isn't going to work.  Above in your select statement, you are only selecting the ViewAllWorkOrders column.

But then here, you are trying to access a column/object called ViewProjects.  Where do you think this column/object is coming from?
It needs to exist in your previous select statement for it to work correctly, otherwise, what point is your first select statement?
>     if ($row->ViewProjects == "NO") {
>         header ("Location: Welcome.php?AdminID=$AdminID&msg=Sorry, you do
> not have access to that page.");
>     }
> if (isset($_GET['WorkOrderID'])) {$WorkOrderID = $_GET['WorkOrderID'];} else
> {$WorkOrderID = '';}
> if (isset($_GET['ReturnPage'])) {$ReturnPage = $_GET['ReturnPage'];} else
> {$ReturnPage = 'Welcome.php';}
>     $sql = "SELECT FormName FROM workorders WHERE
> WorkOrderID='$WorkOrderID'";
>     $result = mysql_query ($sql);

same thing for the error reporting here

$result = mysql_query ($sql) or die(mysql_error());

The following line will through an error is you have no results
>     $row = mysql_fetch_object ($result);

put the previous mysql_fetch_object() call after the following if statement.

>     if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {

like this
     $row = mysql_fetch_object ($result);

>         if ($row->FormName == "WorkOrder") {
>             header ("Location:
> ViewWorkOrder.php?AdminID=$AdminID&WorkOrderID=$WorkOrderID&ReturnPage=$ReturnPage");
>         }elseif ($row->FormName == "PD_Coupon") {
>             header ("Location:
> ViewPD_Coupon.php?AdminID=$AdminID&WorkOrderID=$WorkOrderID&ReturnPage=$ReturnPage");
>         }elseif ($row->FormName == "PD_TextAd") {
>             header ("Location:
> ViewPD_TextAd.php?AdminID=$AdminID&WorkOrderID=$WorkOrderID&ReturnPage=$ReturnPage");
>         }elseif ($row->FormName == "PD_Enhanced") {
>             header ("Location:
> ViewPD_Enhanced.php?AdminID=$AdminID&WorkOrderID=$WorkOrderID&ReturnPage=$ReturnPage");
>         }elseif ($row->FormName == "HS_Builder") {
>             header ("Location:
> ViewHomescape_Builder.php?AdminID=$AdminID&WorkOrderID=$WorkOrderID&ReturnPage=$ReturnPage");
>         }elseif ($row->FormName == "HS_SpecHome") {
>             header ("Location:
> ViewHomescape_SpecHome.php?AdminID=$AdminID&WorkOrderID=$WorkOrderID&ReturnPage=$ReturnPage");
>         } else {
>             header ("Location: Welcome.php?AdminID=$AdminID&msg=Nothing
> works Does it....");
>         }
>     } else {
>         header ("Location: Welcome.php?AdminID=$AdminID&msg=Nothing
> Works..grrrr");

Put curly brackets around all variables in the preceding header() calls

>     }
>     ?>

and for the love of <?php echo $deity; ?>, run mysql_real_escape_string() on your input before using it in a statement...

Also, if you have a parse error within the page, or included pages, none of the error reporting you have set will make any difference.

for you to ensure that error reporting in enabled, you need to have it set in the php.ini, the virtualhost block, or .htaccess files if they are an

Hope this helps

Jim Lucas

   "Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
       and some have greatness thrust upon them."

Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
    by William Shakespeare

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