Nathan Rixham wrote:
Evening All,
I'm feeling the need to either start or contribute to something
opensource and in PHP.
Anybody have any worthy causes or projects they'd like to collab on to
get off the ground; open to all options preference going to anything
framework, orm, webservice or basically anything without an html front
end :)
I've had a look through the two frameworks that Alex and Craige have
sent through, done a lot of thinking and came to a decision, well more
of an idea. I'd be interested in thoughts / comments.
A light generic framework for php developers, built API style with a
public interface (web service) and a private interface (PHP 5 classes).
3rd Party WS Integrations:
Amazon AWS and S3 services, Yahoo's API's, OpenCalais, Google API's
Additional Product Integrations:
Apache SOLR, ARC2 (for rdf and sparql support?), Doctrine (ORM)?
Smart, other or custom.
PDO/Doctrine + contrib to doctrine project as well (or fork?) OR custom
ORM built on top of PDO.
PHP Client Lib's:
HTTP 1.1, SOAP 1.2 (with the ws-* suite), xml-rpc and maybe XMPP?
Generic XML Parser using DOM API
Object to XML and XML to Object support, aim to add __toXML() for all
Specific XML Parsers, XHTML, RSS, ATOM, SOAP, RDF, XML-RPC (maybe XMPP)
Specific XML Writers (same as above)
Some things like a Arrays, HashMaps, Tree class, filesystem negotiation,
verification for common data types (emails and the like) Primitive types
maybe byte, int, real, string classes too?) - Dates and thoughts on an
Arbitary Precision Class as well for the hell of it?
Framework structure and design pattern(s), Generic Object Class with
id's etc, Generic Cache Class (unless in ORM layer), interfaces,
Exception handler, logging, autoloader(s) etc.
An additional I'd like in here is auto initiation via an "initiator"
interface(s) and analysis on all framework classes via reflection to
auto initiate classes upon framework load.
[probably do all of the above in reverse order eh.. the framework core,
all with private api's (eg classes)]
Second Layer: (all with private and public api's)
After the above a series of generic domain model/business object classes
such as user, address, article etc etc built on top of the ORM stuff.
tbd! Probably worth getting a load agreed, defined and drawn up in UML.
and really no point going any further here..
Thoughts? (open to all obviously)
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