Well, it shows up for FFox v2 and v3 on Windows XP as well.
I managed to replicate it by shift+refreshing the page.
I also managed to stop it mid load by setting Firefox to 'Work Offline'
just as it displayed the flash of both boxes.
Using the Web Developer plugin for FFox I can tell you that the top box
has a class of '.gsmsc-mapDiv' while the bottom div one is
'.gsmsc-idleMapDiv', and both are wrapped in the '.gsmsc-appContainer'
div, and also the '#mapsearch' div.
I've not played with google maps enough, but doubt the above helps, I
just but know that it's not a PHP issue. It's almost like a flash of
unstyled content <http://www.bluerobot.com/web/css/fouc.asp/>, but is
being generated because of the javascript.
I hid the '.gsmsc-mapDiv' which stopped the flash of both box boxes
appearing, and I could view the map, but caused the map to disappear
after I tried searching for a different Google Maps location.
Michael Kubler
*G*rey *P*hoenix *P*roductions <http://www.greyphoenix.biz>
tedd wrote:
Hi gang:
I posted this question on the Google Map Discussion group/list
thingie, but got zip in replies. Maybe someone here might have an idea.
Here's the url:
In both Safari and FireFox for the Mac (I have not tested it with
other browsers) as the page loads the map border is momentary drawn
twice. The map border is shown stacked one above the other making the
page much longer than it actually is. But immediately thereafter, the
map is drawn correctly and the page returns to the size it's supposed
to be.
I just want to get rid of the momentary flash.
Anyone have any ideas?
Cheers and thanks,