Re: Re: FImage $aSubDir

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Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Tue, 2008-10-28 at 23:52 -0400, John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
Could it be this easy?

$chopped= strlen($aFn) - 4;
$filename = $chopped.".txt";

print"<br><font face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' size=2 color='#999999'>";

John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
I have installed. I like it just the way it is.
But instead of displaying (see function below).
Instead of displaying the file name under the photo, weak excuse for a caption,
I would like to open and nl2br the contents of a like named text file.

$chopped= strlen($aFn) - 4;
$openthis = $chopped.".txt";

How do I proceed?

---original code----
   echo "<br><center>";
   if($aSubDir == "") {
     $l = strlen($aFn) - 4;
     echo substr($aFn, 0, $l);
   } else {
     echo $aSubDir."[dir]";
   echo "</center>";
Yeah, but don't use the font tag.


and no because you can't apply nl2br easily on the thing you included there unless you use output buffering. You wanted to "open" a file and nl2br it. How? You could use the fopen function (surprise, surprise) and the nl2br function (wow) later on. Of course these days it's easier to call file_get_contents($filename) and apply nl2br on its return value.
- Tul

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