Stut wrote:
On 23 Oct 2008, at 00:04, Martin Zvarík wrote:
I am looking at the eAccelerator's website and I realize what got me
there is a function for OUTPUT CACHE, so it actually could cache the
whole website and then run out of memory I guess...
that means I would be able to store anything into the memory and
reference it by a variable? are the variables accessible across the
whole server? I still don't really understand, but I am trying...
Having never used eAccelerator I can only guess, but it sounds like it's
a way to cache HTML output. As for how accessible that is I have no
idea. I suggest you find the eAccelerator mailing list, subscribe to
that and ask your question there.
If you are looking into caching things in a very flexible way I'd look
at the Zend_Cache API from the Zend Framework.
It has backedns to connection to APC and Memcache and also implements a
disk-based caching system. You can cache all sorts of output, from
function calls (both return value and side-effect output), html output
and arbitrary objects.
Using an opcode cache is generally a good idea (part of the APC core
will be included in PHP6, which is why I'm currently backing that
particular horse), but for an application-level caching strategy, I
think Zend_Cache has a lot going for it :)
Colin Guthrie
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