Vernon wrote:
Ok, I've gotten the following so far, which is giving me the results,
except it is still sorting by file name and not the file's date.
$folder = $_GET['id'];
$dir = "/home/recruitsavvy/public_html/resumes/$folder/";
$filepattern = '*';
$sorting_list = array();
$filemtimes = array();
# Get file/dir listing, else error message
if ( ( $list = glob( $dir . $filepattern ) ) !== false ) {
foreach ( $list AS $file ) {
$filemtime = filemtime( $dir . $file );
# Build array to be sorted with filename and filemtime
$sorting_list[] = array('filename' => $file, 'filemtime' => $filemtime);
# This is the list of filemtimes to sort by later
$filemtimes[] = $filemtime;
# Sort array based on $filemtimes
# Example #3
if (array_multisort($filemtimes, SORT_DESC, $sorting_list) ) {
echo date("m-d-Y", filemtime($file)) . " " . $file . "<br />\n";
} else {
echo 'Directory listing call failed!';
That is because you have to build the array, then sort it, then use it.
you are building, using { sorting }
So, move the if ( array_multisort() ) call out side and after the foreach loop
Jim Lucas
"Some men are born to greatness, some achieve greatness,
and some have greatness thrust upon them."
Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene V
by William Shakespeare
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